
May 02, 2007 07:29

Title: Snow.
Fandom: Akira.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kai and Yama muse on snow. [not slash]
Warnings: Unbeta’d, bad language.

It was snowing.
For the first time Kai could remember in Neo-Tokyo, it was snowing.
Where he’d lived as a kid, on the coast it had snowed a few times, but he couldn’t recall it ever happening in the huge, smoggy city he now called home.
“Yamagata. Look!” He grinned, eyes shining, gazing out of the cracked window of their Business Studies classroom. Yamagata lifted his head from the desk briefly, hair flattened into a near perfect straight line.
“Huh?” He managed to grunt, evidently still severely hung over from the previous night, his dark eyes bleary and stuck together with sleep.
“It’s snowing!” Kai grinned, poking furiously at the dirty glass.
“Nah. ‘S not.” Yamagata frowned, lips pursed, forehead wrinkled. Kai nodded enthusiastically, and Yamagata leant over and pressed his entire face against the glass for a few seconds.
“So it is.” He murmured, not sounding the slightest bit interested.
“Well?”  Kai blinked, waiting for some sort of response from the other boy.
“Well what?” Yamagata frowned, pillowing his head on his arms, preparing to go back to sleep.
“Well… It’s snowing! It’ll be all white and awesome ‘n’… Shit.” He shrugged,  giving a last ditch attempt to enthuse the taller boy.
“K’suke. It’ll be slippy, and crappy and cold. Bad biking. Bad walking. Not enough for a snow day. It’s an incon… Inconst… Thing. That makes stuff difficult.” He grumbled, scratching absently at the desk with the nib of his biro.
“Inconvenience.” Kai sniffed and sunk back into his chair, the moulded plastic digging uncomfortably into his bony hips.
“Yeah, that. Anyway, the fuck’s up with you? You look like I just ran over your cat.” Yamagata asked, although there was an undertone of worry. Maybe that was just Kai’s imagination. He wasn’t quite sure.
“Nah. You’ve just turned me into some bitter bastard like you. I like snow.” Kai sniped petulantly with a slight shrug.
“Why?” Yamagata turned to face him, looking up from his vague scribblings across the desk.
“Why not? ‘S pretty. Clings to stuff, makes it look less of a big fuckin’ pile of shit.” Kai grumbled. Yamagata laughed at that.
“Hah. Fag. I knew you took fuckin’ creative writing, or whatever.” He joked in an almost pleading way, wanting to put the whole ‘snow’ issue away permanently, amazed that something so stupid could start an argument.
“Fuck you, Yamagata. Go back to sleep.” Kai growled, turning away. Yamagata blinked, hurt, for a few seconds, then settled back down with a worried glance at Kai’s back.
Kai gritted his teeth and watched the flakes fall, wondering vaguely if anyone in this whole, filthy city saw it through his eyes.

yama, akira, gen, kai

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