May 11, 2006 09:07
The bad news:
Yesterday I drove up to visit Jen for lunch in Carlisle and I got pulled over AGAIN. I was NOT speeding! (Not that much). Since my ticket I have made a concerted effort to slow down. I was doing 75 in a 65. AND I WAS PASSING A BIG LINE OF TRUCKS (think Smokey and the Bandit). And 10 miles an hour over the limit is stupid to get pulled over for. But I drive a BMW and it's true what they say... It's a cop MAGNET. I hate it.
Anyway... it wouldn't've been so bad if this cop were nice like the last one. But this guy was a jerk!!! He came over and started screaming at me like a drill seargent!!! So I cried and he only gave me a citation, but he wouldn't stop yelling. I thought about filing a complaint for his meanness, but I don't like ruining people's days. I didn't want to ruin his like he ruined mine. I take the HIGH ROAD. For the rest of my drive, I did 60, with trucks passing me left and right. Never too safe!!! I bet now I'll get pulled over for going to slow.
So no insurance report, no points off my license, but I have to pay a stupid fine. AGAIN. It really sucks. And that's it. Now I'm going to take my shower and leave. I am bored here at home without Mike and Becca. Amanda, come play.