Aug 19, 2005 12:09
Amy picked me up at about 5:15p to go to her church for this campout thing. We get there and the pastor tells us that it's going to rain so we're just sleeping in the common area or whatever. We played tongues with some other kids, then charades. (FYI: Amy you officially fail that game. Batman? Bozo buckets? haha). Yeah so the high school team (Amy, Russell, AJ (who's 6), and I) officially kicked butt. Then we played Romans and Christians...which at first sounded kind of dumb but ended up being really fun. It's like hide and go seek tag but on teams and you have to stay together. So Amy, this 7th grader, Valerie, and I hide in these huge metal cabinets and the "Romans" kick the door of the cabinet and it almost crushes me...and then we tried to escape about 3 times and they would hear us and we'd hide again. Got the adrenaline was crazy. But then we lost and people were being stupid about cheating or whatever and wouldn't let us use my cell phone to see in the dark. I kept telling everyone that games aren't any fun unless you find ways to cheat but they all ignored me except Russell--who just laughed. Made some jokes about Russell and Valerie (they'r related) about "...only in Arkansas". Funny stuff. Then we played Freeze, which I hate because no one is ever funny and neither am I so I always just sit there. Plus Amy stole my phone so I couldn't call anyone. After about 2 hours she gave it back and I called Connor but apparently I took too long cuz the pastor guy glared at me for awhile. Yada, yada, yada...lights are out and Russell, Christina, Dana, Ashleyn, Amy, and I are in a circle with our heads together. We kept putting our hands in the center, on top of one another, and we kept getting angry glares so we slapped them really loud to make them mad. We hear: "This is the sound of people who are annoyed and trying to go to sleep." Then at my prompting, Russell shouts "This is the sound of people who don't care." It was funny. We fell asleep and they told me I snored. The end. ~Lauren~