I Am A Turd

Jun 05, 2009 23:58

I cannot believe it took me this long to read this. And I cannot believe I have not mentioned it before.

My beta and darling friend, siDEADde, wrote a prompt for the lgbtfest from the ever-wonderful minisinoo. It was a VERY VERY tall order and I am beyond proud to say that siDEADde's take on the prompt had me in chills. I just loved it. So please - go read, review. Spread the love.

Title: May We Walk in Beauty
Author: siDEADde
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing/characters: Leah/Jasper - Friendship
Rating: T
Disclaimer: All characters in the story belong to Stephenie Meyer. No copywrite infringement is intended. Title is from a poem by Paula Gunn Allen. Again with the copywrite infringement.
Prompt by minisinoo: Leah is not just the first female werewolf, she's also winkte (to borrow a Lakota word). The older she gets, the more she realizes she misses the stability and familiarity Sam had offered, but not the sex. It's women who turn her head.
Summary: A few years after the epic battle that wasn't, Leah has found herself more and more unhappy. She turns to the only person who seems to notice her pain, but will she be happy with what he has to say?

If you have not read Cowboys & Indians by minisinoo - do that first. You'll not be wasting your time, I promise. You also need to have read that to truly see the tall order writing this prompt was ;)

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