Jan 06, 2014 22:40
-Okay. I wrote and rewrote the beginning of this a thousand and one times, but basically this is why I've been missing 6 months.
In May, my dad died of a sudden stroke. I had just moved to Colorado Springs & had only been there 5 days when my sister called at 3:00 in the morning to tell me that he had died. It was really shocking for me, because he was only just in his mid-sixties, & I hadn't seen him for the past 5 years (mostly due to boyfriend issues, don't ask).
I immediately took a trip to Alabama for his funeral, & to help my mom out. After the funeral, the will began being discussed, & we discovered that my dad had left a large portion of his company to me, & the rest to my mom. So my life made another big change, & I had to decide whether or not I really wanted to be running the company with my mom in Alabama.
Well, I decided I did. But my boyfriend of 4 months (not the same boyfriend my dad had problems with) did not agree with this decision. His name was Raffi, & he was my best friend from the 8th grade and on, until he asked me to move in with him sometime around March to get me away from my ex & then things progressed.
Raffi was unhappy with being back in the South, & he got even more unhappy when we moved to Georgia. But, honestly, he had always been a person oriented towards unhappiness.... People are different, & that was just his way.
A month after my dad was buried, Raffi committed suicide. I found him in my mother's backyard, & at first I thought he was sleeping, until I saw his face. He had shot himself, so I'm sure you understand what I mean.
-The reason I'm putting this out here isn't because I want sympathy.... I'm just not very good with real life friends, & I wanted to open up about it, I guess? But I am in a great place with myself now, & I am ready to focus on my writing & keep moving forward. So don't worry.
Thank you for all the years I've been in this wonderful community. I love you guys more than you know!