Aug 04, 2008 17:04
thought i'd do one seen as i won't see chobbit for another week :(
this week has been hectic heres a summary -
monday - stayed in all pissing day waiting for the kitchen man to measure our kitchen (we're getting a new kitchen). all i did all day was download songs.. hah exciting! the kitchen man didn't turn up in the end.. cunt.
tuesday - drove to beccaw's house & spent the day with sinead & becca & walked to tame valley i think it was & just chatted.. becca then told us about the shagging goings on that goes there & we talked about sex things while sinead covered her ears in disgust! haha! becca took us back & introduced us to smoked salmon pate eugh it was gross it tasted like wood :S... we then went to crown point to get a mc'flurry.. we walked in the various shops getting ourselves broody looking at baby things.. appartently i'm going to have fat ginger babies.. & i made sinead touch a nipple hah! becca then went home & i took sinead up to ma place & i got a call from my job application i was offered an interview (it didn't go well hahaha & i didn't get it!).. we then had chippy & talked for a bit until it was time for her to be a christian & do christian things near mel's mams house. i got home after that. busy day!
wednesday - even busier! spent the morning getting stuff ready for my interview (they asked for me to plan an activity) went to denton again & bought some stuff that i wanted to buy the day before but couldn't coz i left my purse at home! i prefer denton to ashton any day maybe coz theres not many chavs .. free parking & er ashton is boring now lol come back drove to the school to find out where it is (it was in hyde) found it while getting lost & ended up on the motorway by accident at some point haha! then i went to becky's coz she was only round the corner & sinead was there, tried to do my activity but gave up. talked again then becky turned up with the ever beautiful baby emma (she was asleep) & her other half. we talked about the christining (sp?), & becky showed us emma's clothes thats she going to wear.. we then woke the lovely emma because she needed her tea... she was a bit cranky coz she hungry but she soon took her anger by pinching me to death lol.. i well want a baby.. but i know i'm not ready.. becky then very kindly made me tea (sweet & sour ftw!) & showed us more baby clothes which mostly consisted of winnie the pooh lol. sinead then decided she wanted to go out.. i was invited but i was knackered.. so i went on my way before catching a glimspe of sineads massive baps ;) hahaha
thursday - a bit of an emo day tbf.. just did my activity & went emo coz i wanted some chobbit loving.. anyway its okay now
friday - worked! got stuff ready for interview.. got there & got lost again but i wasn't late. i parked up & couldn't find the enterance but a dinner lady found me & laughed at me (the shame!).. i waited & then the headmistress asked me to come with her (she was tiny! smaller than me :o ).. i was interviewed by her & two other people.. i made a mess of it really lol i didn't know what they were going to ask me & they asked me what the role of a playworker (the job) was.. & i cracked! lol i didn't know lol obviously you play with the child but theres other technical shit you need to know (fail).. they asked me other stuff & i tried to answer the best i could but i so could of done better.. i was so nervous.. i didn't do completely crap but y'know they thought highly of themselves coz their school was being awesomified anyway i got a call later saying i didn't get it lol it was only a back up so i'm not too bummed.. its only 25 hours a week at the most which is pretty poo for a full time job. i've applied for two other teacher assitant jobs so fingers crossed i'll get one of them.. i know now what they're going to ask me in future
saturday - worked all day! it was busy as & we got some prankers & a lot of deaf old ladies.. i fucking hate old people.. clare was less annoying.. she fancies the pants off the operator.. she was being loud to get his attention.. but hes got a gf so obviously he won't be interested.. haha FAIL! i hate her me but i didn't want to kill her that day.. she was actually doing work :o.. now & again she was a bumhole but not as bad as last time
sunday - was meh too boring to talk about i just did bugger all & cleaned.. tried to play on FFXII but got bored sigh..
today! - met nadey bum in manchest0r to collect my degree.. yay no more uni NEVER EVER again! fuck yeah! we then went to the blood donor people coz sinead wanted to donate blood she encouraged me to do it.. & i did! my good deed of the month hehe! i was shitting myself.. sinead wasn't allowed to in the end coz she had her ears peirced not long ago.. so i was on my own while i had to answer shit loads of questions.. the woman was like are you sure you're more than 8 stone! i've never been 8 stone :o.. compliment! i hate when people look at me & think wow you're skinny as if its a bad thing! i'm eating well i just don't eat as much & control my eating habits.. aaaaaaanyway i was pricked in the finger to check my iron levels... the woman knew i was nervous but it didn't hurt that much.. but i had to drink some water before i got the real thing coz i was dehydrated.. & then thats when the woman called my name & was like are you sure you want to do this (i was nervous as anything) i was like yesssss just do it lol. she rubbed my hand to "clean it" pft she put stuff on to make it a bit numb i think.. she rubbed for ages & she was heavy handed the bint! i had my eyes closed while she said do you want to just do it or do you want me to tell you when i'm putting the needle in.. i said tell me or i'll jump lol she did & it wasn't too bad it just stung & i went ooooooooouch lol she was like okay thats the worst bit done & started taking blood off me.. sinead then came over to talk to me lol then she took it out which hurt.. bastard needle.. i got cleaned & bandaged up & had a cuppa with cakes & biscuits <3 we chatted then went to maccy deees i didn't have much of an appetite though... gay! i would rather have a spud but meh! i felt rather weak but i took some shoes back & got some more & got the bus home i was knackered.. pah hugged my nade bye coz shes going to poland on wednesday :( & now i'm here.. my arm is killing though my finger is a lil bruised anyway this is getting on a bit now..
btw i'd like to apologise to chobbit for making him sound like a shit bag.. hes not as bad as i make out.. he always makes up for the bad things & i love him so much & i miss him like hell i can't believe i have to wait for another week to see him :( hes been working hard on his dissertation & its been difficult for him but hes nearly done & i'm proud of him :)