some things need to be said

Sep 04, 2007 11:41

well i've given in my week notice at shittyworld so my last shift will hopefully be this sunday yep yep :D i start uni again on the 19th.. god summer has FLOWN! its has its good points &bad points but meh next year will be fucking ace!!! :D

i've been with chobbit for like AGES, he went home on sunday.. after like nearly 3weeks with him... god i love him :D i was abit sad on our last night but he soon made up for it ;)

anyways i have decided to retire from live journal for awhile well i'm guna go on it less.. seen as its addictive reading & it gets me angry.. even chobbit got moody because of it
i'm not going to say anymore because i don't really want to go into much detail because well y'know this is livejournal *rolls eyes*, & i don't want people getting into silly assumptions because well nobody really understands me well chobbit does... maybe amy.. but thats it, i just hate the whole internet thing, people take it too seriously, i rather want things in person or be part of things then be that person who doesn't get told anything & feels singled out

i'm not doing this to have digs at anyone.. its just something i want to get off my chest.. maybe i'm changing.. i know i am.. perhaps growing up i presume.. but i know other people have changed

but whatev's that isn't important & i'm not going to get angry about it no more.. also i'm not looking for sympathy, i won't be arsed if anyone comments on this

now on to better things.. i've been going swimming alot recently.. i was abit self concious about my body but christ i've seen naked hippos that gave me alot more confidence with *shudders* old lady minges & saggy boobies & cellulite (sp?) can make myself feel like a supermodel LOL & thats saying something.. even chob tags along & its so much fun hehe i would recommend it to anyone.. but god i was knackered by the end of it.. shows how unfit i am but that'll soon change :D.. well hopefully :P
also i've been going for walks alot to whereever i can find, its so nice to just walk somewhere with someone you love & just talk about anything..
i mean well we're both poor & it doesn;'t cost a penny :P

but oh noes no more free films lol darnnit

also i miss sinead... like alot! i've got noone to go to walks and to talk to with when chob isn't here.. amy has a job now.. at long last.. its a toy shop in the city centre i'm so happy for her.. shes 21 on the 10th too the old bint shes going out out but i'll be working *le sigh* but for the last weekend.. woooooooooohoooooooooo :D so we're going for a picnic at dovestones with her sister & her baby (whos got a mop of ginger hair awwwwwwwww!) coz her first day is on her birthday... harsh lol

but this shall be the last time of freedom until uni starts up again.. god i am dreading it.. they messed up my time table too so i can't do youth work no more & have to do a boring subject about the curriculum...
i'm going to chobbits sometime next week too wooot i have weekends off after this weekend.. god its going to be bliss :D hes the most caring sweetest boy he always asks what do i want to do when i'm there.. which is nice seen as he used to drag me to places i did not like.. i know i did it to him too, but this summer we've opened up alot to each other.. i mean seen as my moods have been all over the place bah pills *shakes fist* but its easying off.. but omg right i went to the clinic yesterday & they made me wait an hour half to pick up my next set of pills!!! & she told me the reason why i was so hungry & crampy at the start was because my body thought it was pregnant!!! :O:O.. scary huh? so i've experienced pregancy for a week or 2 :P hahahah

i've been going to university too swotting away to a better year.. hah! god i wish i had better brains

aswell i've been having alot of headaches.. well migraines lately.. i don't know why :S i hope its nothing serious

anyways this is getting ALL over the place.. sozzie

ttfn young ones
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