4 days until i officially start working, but already i'm inundated with emails, VIPs' itineraries & general prep work. i need to locate a laundromat/dry cleaner near our office (again il palazzo grassi). there are templates to fix up to keep all the VIPs organized. i need to email the water taxi people.
& now i also need to keep an eye on local papers & gossip mags to spot any rich &/or famouses that are or will be in town soon, magari to invite them to our event. i'm talkin' designers, oil tycoons, media monsters, british royalty, yacht clubbers... tutti.
per favore, any of you know of useful publications/web sites/paparazzi resources that provide & update such information on a near-daily basis?
mirandolina, i'm looking in your direction!!
& now i go to meet the CS venezia 'ambassador.' buona serata!