Feb 12, 2006 16:59
Learning Russian is wicked awesome. You get to see where anthony burgess got a ton of the words from clockwork orange slang:
droog = друг (trust me on the pronunciation being similar), both meaning friend
horrorshow = хорошо , good
malenky = мальенкий, little
baboochka = бабушка, grandma
bolshy = большой, big
govorett = говорит, to speak
Life is good now. The band is good, even though we're not nearly as together as we could/should be, being robbed did set us back though. Our shower seriously sucks, it takes like ten minutes of finagling just to get any water to spout from the showerhead, and the water that does come out just kind of falls onto you. And there's not very much. And it gets cold a lot. Fucking showers.
School is good, even though I skip too much. I have a midterm tomorrow in History of American Radicalism that should be a pretty good barometer for how I'm going to do this term. I love Russian, even if the teacher is kind of lame and class is kind of boring.
I find myself rejecting things more and more. I used to think of things politically but I've gotten to the point where I can't rationalize what I want with compromise. Politics rests upon compromise though, it can't function without compromise. So I have simply withdrawn myself from political considerations. I reject the American State (god, what a cliched statement) but my feelings toward the constitution are ambiguous still. as such it doesn't really make sense to vote. Both the candidates in any contest are so much closer to each other than anything close to what I want from a politician that it actually doesn't matter to me who wins. that and the very people i would support for candidacy not only wouldn't have a shot at winning, but they wouldn't even be running. the very act of running for office disqualifies a candidate in my mind. i'm just a mess of nihilism and apathy.
Everything's good. I'm just really burnt out on school but I think I'll be burnt out on school until I'm finished.