Mar 11, 2005 08:00
Can I just rant about the GTF in my History 105 class? I understand you have problems with English; you're from Asia, you came here speaking a different language and I respect that you're doing the best you can. But for the love of God, can you please just be able to communicate with us before you even think about doing something that requires that you teach people? Our sections are filled with almost incomprehensible muttering, followed by you searching for the right word (and almost never finding it, choosing instead a substitute whose status as a synonym for the one you wanted is slightly suspect) for another five minutes. A student asks a question; you respond with: "Yes?" while tilting your head slightly. The only reason I ever go to section is because attendence is graded and so I can turn in papers that, when I get them back, I have no idea why what I said was wrong. In the phrase "yet to be discovered" in one of my papers, you circled the "to." Is there something inaccurate about my use of the word "to"? Should I instead have written "yet be discovered"? Of course not, because that's not English. "What the life is like in Malacca and Ceylon? Support your argument with evidences." Well, maybe if you had any English skills, you would realize that I spent the paper discussing what "the life" is like in Ceylon, and had provided numerous "evidences." Gah.