Hi! This is my LJ. I use it for fandomish things. I write fic. Currently, I mostly write for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Angel the Series fandoms, but I occasionally make forays into other fandoms.
I make occasional use of the f-lock. All my fic is unlocked (in the highly unlikely event, that I ever write RPF, that would be locked, but I can't think of any reasons why I would lock anything else). I don't post about my real life very often, but anything that involves RL details will always be locked. Fannish things that aren't fic are occasionally locked, occasionally not. It depends on the subject matter (and whether or not I remember to flock).
I try to keep all my fic linked in the Masterlist below, but I'm horrendous at actually keeping it updated. However, I do keep up with my tags, so anything I've written will be under the 'fic' tag.
If you're going to friend me, do you mind leaving a comment and telling me why? I'll probably add you regardless, but I'm curious about how/why people find me.