Sep 21, 2003 18:33
I just finished vatchink Undervorld on my computer. It vasn't such a bad movie, although vas I de only vone who t'ought dat the half-vampire/half-verewolf looked like me, minus a tail und novere near as cute? I mean, he vas blue und furry, he had fangs, yellow claws, und vierd colored eyes. Oh a side note, how come hyu don't dress like de gorls in dat movie, Jimaine? I tink hyu should :] :] :]
Still, vatching dat movie made me tink. If it vasn't for high-speed internet here at de mansion, der vould be no vay for me to see movies until dey came out on video. I mean, tink about vhen I tried to buy dat necklace for Jimaine at de mall? Ja, dat didn't go to vell, did eet? No. No it did not. It just kind of irks me dat I can't go out and do tings vit hyu all outside of de mansion. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. It's a beautiful place vit lots of deep shadows and tings to climb on. Everyvone here is so nice too. But it's still de only place I can go. If hyu put an animal in a cage, no matter how beautiful de cage, de animal vill still pace around because it knows it iz a cage.
I need some time to meinself. If anyting important happens, I'll be up in de bell tower.