The Dalton Academy's Hiking Trip (1/10)

Sep 21, 2011 20:39

Title: The Dalton Academy's Hiking Trip
Pairing: ​Klaine
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler: Everything up to 2x12 ( The conversation about Kurt thinking Blaine wanted to ask out him on valentines day never happened)
Summary: It's April and Kurt is slowly  giving up on him and Blaine ever becoming more then friends. But with the upcoming hiking trip, Kurt has to face Blaine every second of the next week. Up there in the mountains stuff happens and Kurt sees a very different side to some of his Warbler friends.

It’s April now and nothing has changed. Like, seriously, nothing. We still hang out, and everything is fine between us, but… we still aren’t anything more than friends. I think about him a lot lately (not that I didn’t before, but it definitely has increased). He’s just so… amazing. Everything he says and does is amazing. And he’s so sexy. Like right now. God, he just looks good enough to-

“Kurt? Kurt! Are you listening to me?”

Kurt snapped out of his trance and sat up straight. He looked around and found Blaine peering at him, a questioning look on his face. Kurt realized that he had no idea what Blaine was talking about, or even what they’d been discussing before his thoughts had run away with him.

“Sorry, what were we talking about?”

“The trip, remember? The one that starts tomorrow. You asked me about it…?”

“Yeah, sure…”

Blaine tried to look into Kurt's eyes, but only managed to stare holes in the air.

“Kurt, what's going on with you lately? I know something’s wrong. You know you can tell me anything, right?”

“I know, Blaine, and I will tell you, but it's just a little complicated. I’ll see you at Warbler’s practice, okay?” With that he shot Blaine a smile, took his bag and his tray, and walked out of the dining room.

The entire school was talking about nothing else these days; everything was the trip this, and the trip that. Due to his lack of paying attention whenever it was brought up, the only thing Kurt knew about the entire ordeal was that it was a kind of tradition. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to know, it was just… his mind was usually somewhere else completely; more often than not that pleasant place where he and Blaine were more than just friends. It was something he’d imagined ever since they’d first met; even after that absolutely lovely Valentines, he had managed to recover and get back on track, Jeremiah all but forgotten. Whether Blaine had managed to forget was another story altogether.

His last few blocks flew by and soon enough it was time for Warblers practice. Usually this was his favorite part of the day, but today he just hoped it would pass by as quickly as possible, especially since there was more talking going on than singing, all, of course, revolving around the dreaded trip.

Please, just let it be over. I need to go and calm down. I can't go on this trip. Not when I know I’ll have to face Blaine every minute of every day, and in this terrible mood, no less. I think I’ve gone crazy over this obsession for him. I need to get off this ship before it sinks…

At that moment Kurt felt somebody sit down beside him: or fall down beside him, rather. He didn't need to look to know who it was. The brunette put on a smile and turned to face the very object of his obsession.

“Hey, you.”

“Hey, yourself. Would it bother you to come over to my room after you finished packing?”

“Are you kidding me, why should it bother me?”

“Good, then we’re set.”

Blaine gave Kurt one of those smiles he loved before moving on to another subject, all the while trying to avoid mentioning the trip.After they had sat out the `practice´ they parted and each of them went to their dorm room. Nick, Kurt's roommate, had stayed with some other members of the Warblers. They were still talking about `the trip´. Kurt already had done all the packing, so he settled down on his bed and leaned back against the wall. He crossed his legs and stared at the opposite wall.

Just get it. There never will be anything more than friendship between the two of you. You should be glad to have a friend like, Blaine. Don't be so stupid to throw this friendship away for a little fantasy.

In that moment Nick came into the small room. He sat down and looked at Kurt. There it was again, that glassy look in Kurt's eyes that he had seen so often lately. Something had changed, but he couldn't quite get what it was. But then suddenly Nick got what it was. The eyes. There always had been this tension between Kurt and Blaine. The way they had looked at each other. That had been gone for a little while now, not completely, but it definitely had faded. Kurt still stared at Blaine and sometimes, one of them caught Blaine with this look on his face, but something was going on between them. Nobody had ever heard about something more going on between the two of them, than friendship, so this definitely wasn't good at all. They were giving up. Giving up on each other, that there ever could be something more than friendship, because no one was brave enough to make the first move.

“Kurt, aren't you going to tell him one day?”

Even though Nick knew that it wasn't that nice to shoot directly at Kurt with subject, he still did. He just had to or otherwise Kurt had turned him down, trying to change the subject. Kurt snapped out of his thoughts, totally taken aback by what Nick just had said.

`Kurt, aren't you going to tell him one day?´. What does he mean with that? He couldn't know. He just couldn't know. That's ridiculous. How should he even know? I never told anyone.

“What do you mean, Nick?”

Kurt smiled, trying to play stupid.

“Hey, dude, I might look like I don't understand you but I kind of am a good reader of facial expression and yours totally screams `I like Blaine Anderson´, but I see, that you're also upset about something. Now you just have to put two and two together. Kurt, it's totally obvious.”

Kurt smiled sadly.

“Is it really that bad?”

Nick laughed. Kurt's look was just hilarious.

“No, not that bad. Just everybody from the Warblers kind of has an idea. They just don't manage to put two and two together and I'm sharing a room with you so I kind of have an advantage over the others.”

Nick smiled and Kurt had tears in his eyes but he also was smiling. Now that it was out, Kurt felt a whole lot better. He also trusted Nick with the secret. He wouldn't go and spread it out. It was save with him.

“Thanks, Nick.”

“For what? I didn't do anything to help you.”

"You know. That's pretty much everything that you have to do. That's what makes me feel better.”

“No problem, you know you can trust me and come to me with all you Blaine problems, now that I'm allowed to know. I will try to help you out, even though I can't promise anything.”

“You don't need to. So, I will get going, Blaine might already be waiting.”

He smiled and walked out of the dorm room, down the corridor to Blaine's and David's. He knocked and just heard a damped response. Kurt opened the door. It looked like a bomb exploded right inside the room. Everywhere, Kurt could see clothes were lying around. The only spot that wasn't covered in anything was Blaine's bed on which he saw Blaine sitting, watching the entire process.

“Hey Kurt. Sorry for this mess. I'll be gone in no time.”

Kurt could just smile about it. He would never ever treat clothes like that, like never.

“Don't bother. It's fine, David.”

He made his way through the room, trying not to step on anything that was lying around. He fell down onto Blaine's bed, still a smile on his face, looking at Blaine who obviously was amused about the entire situation.

“Like what you see?”

“This is like it is every year with David. He never packs until it is really necessary. I'm glad you came.”

Kurt scooped back onto the bed and sat next to Blaine, leaning against the wall. Both of them watching David pack and it really was funny to watch him throwing thinks around when he didn't find what he was searching for. Kurt couldn't get it how somebody could be so unorganized in his age. Almost an hour later David was finished with packing and headed out of the room to `get some fresh air´. Blaine and Kurt left behind alone.

“Is there a specific reason why I'm here?”

“Do I need one to spend time with you?”

“No, you don't. So, what are we going to do?”

Blaine raised his shoulders, telling him, that he had no idea.

“Maybe, we should watch a movie. It'll be the last one for something around a week.”

Kurt agreed and both of them made themselves comfortable. Kurt's head laid on Blaine's shoulder and Blaine's arm was around Kurt. It was just like always, but half way through the movie, Blaine loosened his arm and sat up straight. As did Kurt when he noticed. He had no fear facing Blaine even though he knew, what he was going to ask.

“You really don't want to tell me, because everything that eats you up also is eating up me by seeing you like that.”

Kurt shook his head, he needed to keep that secret a little longer, just a little longer till he was sure he could handle it to be turned down or even that he could tell him, because he didn't felt that way anymore, but he couldn't do it now.

“It's okay, really, Blaine. Trust me. I feel much better than before. I promise you, I'll tell you when it gets worse, but it's something I have to take on my own. I'm fine, really.”

He really tried to convince him and Blaine at the same time. If that would work out well?

Please, holly lord make him believe me. I can't tell him just now. Please give me some more time and the right situation to tell him. Please, don't do this to me.

Just like a wonder to Kurt, Blaine didn't asked anymore question, but drew him into a hug. Kurt could feel Blaine's lips move next to his ear.

“Okay, than promise me, that you'll be just happy as long as we are in Black Rock Mountain Park. Show me, that you still can be happy, just like before. Can you do that for me, because I wanna have a great week with you outside the walls of Dalton.”

Kurt smiled. He would do his best. He would do it to convince Blaine and to have a great week with him, just like he wanted it from him.

“I, Kurt Hummel, promise, that I will be happy while we are away. Just like before.”

kurt hummel, glee, pg-13, blaine anderson, fic, klaine, the dalton academy's traditional hiking

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