Aug 19, 2005 20:41
Today I go to the bookstore to look at what books I will need for fall... to then go order them online and save $... but for my three packaging classes... no books were required! None. I had the dude who helps people verify it just to make sure I wasn't delirious. Three classes.... no books!!!! I wanted to hug him and everyone at SBS. I wanted to photocopy the shelf label stating PKG 410,415,432: None Required. I mean, to be perfectly honest, there may be a course pack involved once classes actually start.. but those aren't much. For my finance class I only needed a coursepack and it was $12. Then when I checked out they gave me a free gift pack with shampoo samples. Never has book buying been so enjoyable.
I'm going to start my job back up at the Kellogg. I realized that the pay is really good, I can hopefully work my own hours, and I get free food. That way I can have food and fun money for this semester and keep saving for a possible vacation. Monday I meet with my old boss to set things up.. and I'm hoping it will all work out. I've spent two months searching for other jobs on campus to no avail and it was getting me down a bit.
My IAH prof told my after our final on Thurs. that he thinks I should seriously consider majoring in philosophy. The comment coming from a PHD in that subject, I was honored. I'm also looking at culinary schools and job opportunities in europe. May keeps getting closer and closer.....
Last night was insane. Absolutely fucking crazy, shopping this morning with my mom was interesting... I feel bad about all the times I have to cover my exhaustion/ icky tummy with "I think I may be getting a cold"... my mom must think I've got the HIV or something.....
But I had a ton of fun... and for now I'm not letting the benjamin in my wallet go.