dalek awesomesauce reboot² : 2.5 - family matters

Sep 30, 2023 14:54

Well, it has been four months, much better than the year I previously predicted. I have managed to rip myself away from my second playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 long enough to get this done. We are so close to the starting line for Gen Black, let's see what progress we can make this time.

Warning: Swearing, spam, visible UI, compressed text boxes, randomly different sized images (because photoshop batch automate is selectively compliant, I guess), random sims walking in while Plum is sleeping and being attracted to him 😲 , and 100+(!!!) images

Featuring sims by: boolpropbea , brilliantcat , and rhiannon_alexis

Recap: Last time, Plum got promoted to Science Teacher and was on a mission to go on a date with our boy Xanthic by boolpropbea . A dream date ensued and we were able to convince Xanthic to move in with us. Meanwhile, Cerulean and Ondott brilliantcat had some quality time with family and and got some skilling done.

Just because Plum has a live in future husband, doesn't mean he can neglect his witchy shit.

Nice! Let's check it out.

Practical, in a pinch. I'm still going to make him actually cook though...

Ah, a "Get off my lawn" spell. I accept.

I mean. Plum doesn't need any assistance in this area. Unless the potion can delete his single niceness point. I'm not going to risk it.

This again? Can we get more variety please? At least we have learned not to kneecap our boss.

Yep, no change. That's fine, I guess.

It's a new day and our boys have jobs and shit they have to go to.

They are carpooling. I guess the ambulance is just going to swing by the local high school to drop Plum off? Interesting.

Jump cut to Xanthic home from work, and look who he brought home with him? Fellow member of gen Purple, Aubergine.


That's more like it. But also, a lie? You are all about them money bags.

This conversation is a rollercoaster.

AUBERGINE! QUIT. THAT. SHIT. He's spoken for!

Good, sit down. Hang out. You can't veer into any questionable territory this way, so that's fine.

Plum returns!

Wow, that seemed much faster than last time. Excellent!

Since Xanthic will be the spouse of gen Purple, why don't we extend the "a wish a day" mandate to him as well? Let's see what we are working with.

Mkay, we are getting a little spendier with our wish list here, but thanks to Ondott we are loaded.

To help make one of Xanthic's wishes come true, we'll deck out the back yard a bit, but first...

Plum is not even going to attempt to intervene on Xanthic and Aubergine's conversation. A little cocky, considering how hard of a time he had in securing Xanthic in the first place.

There! Pool and porch furniture acquired. I think it was the waterfall in the pool that actually counted towards the wish, but that is fine. They will definitely get some use out of the other stuff.

Xanthic and Aubergine have achieved friendship! I like it. Cerulean and Ondott definitely won't object to having him around the house more.

Plum, working hard on skilling up, asked his mother for a lecture. I am assuming he was work on the mechanical skill here, I didn't take a UI reference screenshot like I normally do for future reference. So we are going to have to use our imagination.

Then I figured I'd use some of those aspiration points that we have been racking up to help out with the skilling.

I don't know who that maxis fug is in the background. I think Ondott or Cerulean brought them home from work.

Some mother son slappy hands bonding time.


Buying an aspiration reward got me thinking. It took A LOT of in game time to even find Xanthic. I don't want Plum to be that much older than his partner. So...

Elixir time!


And there is even still a little left in the tank.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way. Plum is going to try his luck locking this down.

Oh my god, it actually worked! He said yes! I'll admit, I am a little surprised, given Plum's dismal success rate in the past.

Yeay! They are so happy!

Meanwhile, Aubergine is out here living that singleton hot tub life.

ANYWAY, back to the action. Like, literally.

We have chimes!

Lol, the clipping is real.

Aubergine decided to come in and be social. Cerulean is loving it.

Aww, they're besties.

It's a work in progress, my dude. We'll get there.

Aubergine says goodbye for the night.

Next day, and this should be relatively simple to achieve, lol.


And there it is! Our boy is expecting.

Woo! Xanthic is working his way up.

And then immediately comes home and has to clean up the messes that his fiancé left behind. At least he is getting some mechanical skills out of it.

He is working hard for those points.

Meanwhile, Plum...

Now don't do anything too strenuous, darling. You have a condition.

I think it has been long enough since the walk by apocalypse that we can safely note the occasional one, right? This is Chandra by rhiannon_alexis

Xanthic is still hard at work, while Plum decided that couchside sports enthusiasm was the way to go.

Thanks, but no thanks.

And while we are at it, why don't we strengthen this soon to be mother-in-law son-in-law relationship.

Ahh yes, the ago old problem of not having male pregnancy morphs on most clothing.

Right, game. That is an option. OR...

We could work on being more EVIL. How about that?

Xanthic, coming down from being a skillaholic, looking to get some fun freetime in.

There you go, baby. As a treat.

Geez, this man is a BEAST.

Plum also doesn't know when to pack it in. I changed his outfit, because the shirt he had before was morphless.

Welp, bye bye belly. We miss you.

It might be time for an intervention.

Oh geez! We got a baby on the way. We are going to need to sequester this bitch.

Congrats? I'm worried about you.

What's this?


New day, new trimester!

Damn it, Ondott! Stop being contagious!

Oh wait, there IS a pregnancy morph on this? Kind of? Huh.

Aubergine has decided that he has a standing invitation to just walk in. Alright, I'll allow it. Just don't let that neighborhood dog in with you...

Or random strangers.

Nope, that's it! Get this creep out of here.

Yeah that's right, bye. Weirdo.

Bye Aubergine! It was nice having you over, again.

Gen Black baby incoming! Next time...


1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4

( 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 ) RIP

2.0² | 2.1² | 2.2² | 2.3² | 2.4²


legacy, dalek awesomesauce legacy

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