I was going to use this as a chance to read everyones LJ's and get up to date but the Quizzes called and i couldn't resist.
Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.
What's your element brought to you by
Quizilla You are... WAIT! - you're none of the Sins you're
an Angel!
Perfect, or close enough, and annoyingly so! Did
you always
behave so 'just right'. ARGHHH . You can annoy the
hell outta
people with your attitude, but no doubt your church
is real happy
with you. The positive side certainly outweighs the
after all, you do chores, are smart, are cute, do
charity work.
Least you know what a perfect saint you are. You
just make the rest
of us sinners vomit. Perhaps you could break the
rules once in a while, go wild - Eat an extra
cookie or something.
However - congratulations on being the most pure,
of the entire human race.
?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ?? brought to you by
Discworld: Which Ankh-Morpork City Watch Character are YOU? brought to you by
Quizilla You are Death, "the ultimate reality".
Despite the name, you are somewhat nice (well, as
nice as one can be without having a
personality), and quite skinny, skeletal in
lacking in the creativity department, you are
very realistic, and see things in perspective.
Most people can't see you, unless you're there
to visit them or they're predisposed to it. Oh,
and you like cats.
What reoccuring Discworld character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Mort - "There's no justice. Just him."
Which Discworld Book are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.
What threat to the Bush administration are you? brought to you by
Quizilla You are Calypso. She was the sea nymph who kept
Odysseus stuck on an island for 10 years until
Hermes told her to let him go. She was very
possessive and often slept with the ever so
faithful husband, Odysseus.
What Character from the Odyssey are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Power Rangers Movie!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by
Quizilla Hopefully I will get another chance soon.