Oct 14, 2007 22:55
W0W!!! Almost a month since l've posted. But l doubt any of y'all have noticed.
Since my computer was unfixable,they gave me store credit, so l got a new one with a 3 year warranty. And only paid $lO more. SWEET!
However the fucking disk drive won't open, so l had to bring it back.
Well, since l've been computerless over the last month and we have no internets at work, well the manager and asst. mgr. do, so us underlings are screwed. Well, we do have USA Today.com, which is just about our only contact w/the outside world.
Well, l've charged almost $lOO @ Kinko's and have been kicked out of 2 hotels for using their computer that is for guests only. The hotel l'm at now doesn't know about me....yet.
Well, since the Mets totally fucked up (and so did the Yankees...tee-hee), everyone at work has been asking me about the Mets. Basically with the exception of a few players and coaches (and managers) who are dicks, l'm really not that upset about it. l guess Pedro really altered the course of my life.
Not to mention, l found out that there are a couple of dickheads in the athletic program at Big State, so l'm not that enthusiastic about them this football and basketball season.
0h well, hopefully l'll post more stuff down the road.