Sep 15, 2006 00:09
Does anyone else besides me think that salesmen are getting just a tad bit scary these days? I know so many of theses slick salesmen types with 2 or 3 degrees that It makes me just try not to think about the question, Jesus lord, we're fighting psychologists, like what the fuck??? who's watching our backs??? Martha Fucking Stewart? "Now ladies, if you just plan ahead and use the Yellow chiffon instead of the Lavender, you can ward off vacuum cleaner salesmen, but beware the yellow attracts girl scouts, but we love those dear girls *whispered* goddamn them their youth those insolent brats stealing my money, taking my customers I'll crush them all* err nothing says america like girlscouts..."
oh yeah and corporate fraud...
The other day as i was walking past my bosses office i just about crapped my pants cause there was like this strangled scream like a big man sobbing, "I'll buy it just please god shut the fuck up."
I still don't ask about that day... Everytime I see him I can't look him in the eyes cause I keep thinking, oh god he knows i know... who knows what he's capable of? it's like he's a wild animal backed into a corner, he could strike at any moment... he's a ticking time bomb!!! he's arab, i dunno if bomb and arab are good words to use in a sentence you all know what i mean right words like, "my" and "boss" and "is" and "suicide" and "bomber" I'm sure someone in the audience's called 911 by now
someone wanna call 911 back and tell them it's a hoax (sorry boss)... and if they start giving you shit blame it on that guy, no not him the short guy behind... err actually not the short guy, nice muscles by the way frodo...