"I guess I'm something of a ne'er do well"

Nov 05, 2009 09:22

So first just a shoutout to the fabulous fandom, which manages to surprise me on a daily basis with incredible fic and videos.  And incredibly funny and astute commenters, of course. *hugs*

That was the nice part of this post - lol.

At any rate, just a small rant about the students of today (excepting Holey, who is obviously an academic star).  In the past few weeks I've had multiple students come in to do complicated research at the last minute.  I asked if they had done their secondary research and they replied that they had searched GOOGLE and that definitive source we know as wikipedia.  This is for their senior capstone course in American Studies.  I fear for our future.

So when I'm feeling a bit stabby, I turn to these two videos.  They never fail to make me giggle.  And aren't giggling (and sex)  what life is all about.

First up - Brit soldiers doing naughty things.


And then - "That bitch killed that hot dog!"


Cheers all!

students suck, fandom ftw

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