cheer is over and tryouts for the new season are comming up!
This year was sooooooo funn.
Im glad we came out of it UNDEFEADED!
We almost lost today to this hawaiian team but we didnt...THANK GOD!
It was reallyy close though.
CANT WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR! (which is in 2 weeks lol)
mmmm candy!
break from jumps
next rotation!
lunch when we first met "the guys"
pool time!
our coaches...shawn and tawni
skit practice!
me and torie at the loo oi?
skit/loo oii night
our coaches are funny!
by far the funnest gay man EVER!
my coach and colt.
group shot!
once again
Colbi kicks! hahaha
hurry up!
ashley, shes so cute!
maddi doing a kick full basket
awww shawn be sipethetic...NOT!
the team to merns rescue!
more baskets tosses
and more
theres torie!
ashleys stunt group
not a happy coach.
linning up for tumbling...
slow moe backhand spring lol
mern and lindsey
braking at the end of practice
RANDOM COMPS.(in no order what so ever.)
looking good!
i drove to vegas and in vegas.
we won in the 2nd vegas comp!
ahhhhhhh yay!!!!
ummm...lets just say we won.
ending pyrimid
1st place!...again
different comp.
partner stunts
waiting for awards
my team<3
begining pyrimid
carson and matty...and me in the back hahahahhaahhah
coach shawn.
now whos that?
me again.