Nov 02, 2021 23:04
Today we had the last OB appointment before tadpole comes. Somehow I forgot my bow tie which was a bummer since the receptionists always comment on it. One time they even gathered around to see which one I was wearing. Today I’m not sure they even recognized us, because in a masked world it was my only signifier.
Anyway, last OB appointment. Tadpole was finally able to be monitored with out much difficulty. Both the ultrasound tech and the No-stress test were able to find her without problems. I think she has finally run out of room to hide. Though apparently not out of room to move. In one of the ultrasound pictures she is trying to grab her own foot. She also apparently has hair long enough that ur waves about in the amniotic fluid. The ultrasound tech was pretty impressed by this and even pointed it out to one of the doctors who was surprised. So now of course I’m wondering if she’ll be a werewolf or a yeti.
Apparently, Katelyn (Molly’s little cousin- not so little anymore and possibly doing porn) had hair all down her back when she was born.
Tadpole also has long toes I’m told. Hopefully she’ll inherit my arches too, Molly is flat footed and really wants tadpole to have it easier than she did/does. I’d like tadpole to have Molly’s eyes, and cheeks (the images so far suggest she does), and to not to have my written learning disability. I think we’ll be okay if she has my adhd, hopefully I know enough now to help her cope with it if she does.
Molly called out of work again today, and I opted to work from home so I could focus on paperwork with less distractions. Still by the time we got home and I got started it was already afternoon. I did manage to get a decent bit done, but as always there is so much more to do.