Oct 19, 2021 22:55
So the big news of today is that we’re scheduling an induction on November 4th, six days earlier than Tadpole’s original due date.
I’m freaking out a smidge, but also excited. What has me more freaked out is realizing I’m double booked for next Monday. It’s a full day program and we’re short staffed that morning. But also we have an Ob appointment, possibly the last one, since the next week we’ll be inducing. So yeah, freaking out about possibly missing the appointment, especially since I haven’t missed any of doctors visits (I wasn’t allowed for the first nurse visit though).
Tried to get a TDAP booster this morning at CVS but first my email code wouldn’t work, then the text code said my appointment had expired. I texted Molly about my frustration when the email code didn’t work. She called me and told me I could skip the cbs appointment but I’d have to move up my doctors visit to get the shot sooner. When the text code said I couldn’t get my appointment still I left and called Molly from the car, and told her how anxious/frustrated I was about the way she went about telling me I had to get the TDAP. This led to a bit of a fight. After getting snack from Sam’s club I went to see her and we talked through it while parked in her car.
We didn’t smooth it over completely, but did manage to get a plan figured out (my tdap turns out to be in date until january son I am keeping my appointment for late November and I will get it then).