Supernatural (may contain spoilers)

Nov 05, 2006 13:21

Oops, seems I'm a little behind in my reviewing :S oh well lol, lets start with:

When I first read the genius behind Angel's "Smile Time" was penning this episode of SN, I had but two words to describe my reaction - oh goody! He didn't disappoint...too much. The episode itself is great and I enjoyed the return of Sam's visions. This was definetly a Sam-angst ep but em, excuse me Mr Kripke, did you happen to forget that last week there was a minor scene in which one of your main characters opened up to the other saying that he feels guilty and responsible for his dad's death as he believes his father traded his own life to save his?! I mean hello, couldn't you give us just one reference?! But no, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero...oh well, until episode 8 *squees* ahem, continuing on...

"You're afraid of my mother?"
"I think so"

SQUEE DEAN IS SINGING!!!! And wow, is that a good voice I'm hearing? Sigh, I love Dean even more! There are some lovely moments between the brothers in this ep, especially the soothing hand Dean lays on Sam's back after the Doc dies. In fact, the whole general feeling of the ep is reminiscent of season 1, back to the way the brothers were before John died: Dean is back to full-on protective mode, some weight seeming to have been lifted off his shoulders since Children and Sam looking lost again, looking to his bro for support (aww I want to give him a hug).

"Last I checked I kill all kinds of things."
"Those things were asking for it...there's a difference"

Dr Badass! Tee hee, I really like Ash. Both he and Ellen have really grown on me. Jo...I still don't like her, though thank god she is acting a little more mature this ep. Webber/Ansem was a psycho, well done Andy for wasting him! However the latter has to be my fav guest character of this week. He is so cool!!! ("These aren't the droids you're looking for") Hopefully he'll make a return appearance, he could come in very handy for the brothers. Though it is a shame that their encounter has kinda screwed him up, poor Andy's face as he says Tracy is afraid of him now :(

"Death visions...dude, that sucks"

There's also a marked return of humour. My fav moments: Andy taking the impala ("He full on Obey-waned me!"), Dean's reunion with the impala, Dean's honest confession to Andy combined with the cheesy grin + let-me-crawl-into-a-hole-and-die look afterwards ("Dean shutup!" "I'm trying") and Dean's admiration of Andy's van.

"I'm calling a do-over."
"What are you, seven?"

However it does leave us with some questions. Why are the other children's powers so much more advanced than Sam's? Will Sam ever move anything with his mind again? How do the brothers view each other now (Sam was quick to judge Andy for murdering Webber to save others, yet Dean has done exactly the same for Sam on occasion. Also, Sam is aware Dean is afraid of whats happening to his little brother)? Is Andy turning on Webber a Sam-Dean metaphor to come? Will telling Ellen (however much she rocks) have repurcussions for the brothers *chews lip in a I-know-something-but-don't sorta way*? Will the demon start appearing in Sam's dreams too? How many of them are out there?

No Thom, they don't ask that many new questions each ep, not at all ;P


spn review

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