I didn't really post reviews for SPN last year, mostly because I was too busy screaming, "WHAT IS THIS THING YOU ARE DISGUISING AS MY SHOW, KRIPKE?!" I'm going to try for this season though, provided I don't get too busy.
- They used MY song for the recap! Basically, I sing and dance along to this nearly every Monday when I'm out with my friends - apparently it's a favourite of the place we go to. Ergo, I may have squealed.
- Oh gosh, listen to how hoarse his voice is. Oh Dean. At least he's dirty.
- The new credits are rather awesome. The fire from season two still remains my fave, but this is definitely my second.
- Oh gosh, now he's dirty and half-naked. Kripke, you're spoiling us. Nom nom nom Dean.
- I was rather set on having Dean return broken from hell; I blame all the terrific fic that had portrayed him that way. So when Dean reached for that porn mag, my laughter warred with slight disappointment - I say slight because I can barely fault this episode and I'm also hoping, what with the flashbacks of hell, that the breaking will occur later.
- Dean knows both Sam and Bobby's numbers off by heart!
- I have a huge amount of love for Dean and Bobby's reunion, from the fighting to the hug *sniffs* the best moment has gotta be the holy water though. I expected a joke after that and was pleasantly surprised by Dean's serious response.
- I can't explain it, but I adore the way Dean says, "Well I'm glad he won that one." Also, Dean's awfully pretty in this scene (what? I've been in withdrawal, okay, and this is like my fourth watch. I'm allowed to be shallow.)
- THE HUG *SQUEES* they're both clinging and whimpering and yay! Dean's face after Sam attacks him though *pets him*
- I really like Christie's shirt.
- You know what really gets me though? That pained frown that appears on Sam's face after Dean tells him he doesn't have to apologize.
- SAM WORE DEAN'S AMULET *DRAWS A MILLION HEARTS* love Dean's little smile once it's back around his neck.
- Dean's talking to the impala again. I love that even more than a Jason song being a prominent feature in the season opener, though that's pretty cool too.
- Pamela was severely awesome (except for, "BAAWWBBEEEEEEEE," *wide eyes*), so what did you do, show? YOU BURNED HER EYES OUT.
- Sam's expression when he sees the mark on Dean's shoulder *draws more hearts*
- Dean bitchslapped a demon, hee! Smart!Dean and Protective!Sammy for the win (Sam's bed is closest to the door in their room too)!
- Bad Sammy for leaving your sleeping, just-got-out-of-hell-and-potentially-has-a-badass-demon-on-his-tail brother on his own, but it's okay because HOLYKICKASSERY SAM'S USING HIS POWERS TO MAKE PEOPLE VOMIT UP DEMONS! I do not have words for how shiny that was.
- Uh oh, they're hiding stuff from each other again.
- Oh awesome, Ruby's not as gone as I thought she was *yay arms* nice move Kripke, booting Katie and bringing in another actress (hell, that's what some segments of fandom had suggested). Ruby was being awfully nice here though *scratches head* I sense bewitchery ahead.
- Castiel. Aside from being unbelievably pretty, he is frickin awesome! I love his sincerity (see the inclination of his head when Dean thanks him or his utter confusion when Dean doesn't believe him). I may be completely obsessed already *g* he can come again *nods*
- My jaw might have been somewhere around my ankles when he announced he was an angel. This may be the most awesome thing since Kripke actually sent Dean to hell. So Dean's being guided by an angel, while Sam's being tutored by a demon *crosses fingers for it to work out the opposite way*
- Look at those wings, how amazing! I don't believe his wings are black. If you look closely, you can see the beams behind them. Methinks we're just seeing the shadow of his wings, as like Castiel says, mortals can't view his true form - which, by the way, all those who reckon Sam will be able to see it raise your hand now. I'm betting it's not pretty, which is we ain't seeing it at the mo. Either that, or it's going to be so impressive Kripke and co. want to save it for later, as well as letting us stew over whether he's really an angel or not.
Now that was a season opener. The phrase "frickin awesome" comes to mind! Man, I'm excited for this season. Are you excited? I'm excited. What awesome ratings too, just shy of 4 million! Bring on next week's!
- "I should look like a thriller video reject."
- "You kidding me, what don't I know 'bout that kid?"
- "You were rotting in hell for months, for months and I couldn't stop it. So I'm sorry it wasn't me, alright? Dean, I'm sorry."
- "You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up."
- "You are not invited!"
- "And what visage are you in now, huh? What, holy tax accountant?"
- "Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you."
No spoilers for future eps please. I am spoilerfree and would very much like to stay that way!