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colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 10:58:41 UTC
Is that a good or bad "Ummm..."



smeckles90 April 3 2008, 11:01:14 UTC

I'm awfully sorry, I shall elaborate on that "Ummm...":


Does that explain it better?



colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 11:03:20 UTC
Didn't even have to consult the fangirl!dictionary to know what that meant ;D

Have you seen the crotch!teaser. Damn! I NEED to see the rest of the pics!


smeckles90 April 3 2008, 11:07:34 UTC
There's a CROTCH!TEASER?! *flails wildly* NO I HAVEN'T! Oh they're spoiling us, I hope they release the full versions pronto...or at least before I explode!

Only Jensen can make me end every sentence in a paragraph with an exclamation mark.


colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 11:10:15 UTC
YEP! I just did a post about it a couple of minutes ago.

They HAVENT released the full versions and I'm both eagerly anticipating (because who wouldn't?) and dreading (the whole exploding thing is gonna hurt) them.

Oh yes. God, its awesome to be in Team Ackles.


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 11:11:47 UTC
The crotch teaser is flocked to me! Is it anywhere else? *hopeful*


colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 11:18:05 UTC
Oops! Forgot about that darl! I'm unlocking it now but here's a direct link ;D


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 11:23:32 UTC
Yaaaaay! Thank you! You will forever be awesome in my eyes!

Appropriate icon is appropriate.


colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 11:38:19 UTC
Your violently fire-y eyes as seen in your default icon? Hee! Welcome bb. May I take this oppurtunity to say I've seen you around alot and would so very much like to use this comment thread to ask if we could be friends? I can handle rejection though.

that is a fab fab icon *stares*


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 11:56:07 UTC
Well, as seen in my violently fiery eyes, you have violently fiery awesomeness, which is by far better than your average, plain awesome. We must have similar hang outs because I don't think I comment that much do I? Well anyway, I think that we can be friends! Yaay friends!

It is a wonderful icon *strokes it*


colourmeshocked April 3 2008, 12:03:36 UTC
ROFL! Ilu already ya know *smishes* I might've read a couple of your fics if I'm not mistaken and we do have a couple of friends in common. SHINY NEW FRIENDS! Whee *twirls you*


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 12:15:49 UTC
I now have multiple Jensen crotches on my flist! \o/

Friends that are shiny and new! \o/


smeckles90 April 3 2008, 11:22:50 UTC
Give me a sec and I'll add it to my post...


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 11:27:31 UTC
Oh gosh no, don't do that, people will die! Or at least collapse. They could drown in their own drool, though.

Stop calling me a black-eyed skank! I think it's quite clear from my icon that everything apart from my eyes are black.


smeckles90 April 3 2008, 11:29:24 UTC
Too late *g* it's not my fault if death ensues, it's the evil people who are posting these damn teasers *flails madly*

Damn, still have to change that huh...


unhobbityhobbit April 3 2008, 11:35:06 UTC
Bwahaha, now he looks like he has no body.


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