Title: Of Pony-Shaped Sponges and Candy Shampoo
Author: Claire (
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17, for Jensen’s sake
Warnings: Sponge bathing, in the bad way. Chad is nice.
Summary: Think you know what happened the night that Jensen slept on Jared’s couch after his birthday…think again!
Disclaimer: The boys belong to each other themselves and
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Do you think if I slept in a cardboard box I could get a Jensen of my own to wash my feet? 'Cause that would be fun...
But, I think the most pertinent point of this fic is that it reaffirms what we have all known for months now: YOU'RE WEIRD. With capitals and everything. True, man.
Also, I find it amusing that only yesterday I posted the weird porn that you enabled for me. We're like porn buddies or something.
You know, during the entire process of writing this fic, I never once thought of that. God, you know, I'm thinking that would be the best way to lure Jensen EVER. Either that, or he'd be too busy with Jared and all you'd end up with was a rather smelly box.
HAHA! And now it's on view for the whole of LJ to see!
DID YOU NOW?! See, this is why I've failed at life these past two weeks. I have been so distant from LJ that I don't even know when you've posted porn. Porn buddies *snorts* that's ten kinds of awesome
That's because you were too busy concentrating on the serious, serious business of writing this deadly serious fic to think about such trivial things. I reckon it'd create a whole new Jensen out of thin air, or anti-matter or something involving quantum mechanics. OR you could pop down to LA/Vancouver/Texas and stand outside Jensen's current place of residence and stage a conversation with someone that would sound something like... "OH NO, MY CARDBOARD BOX REALLY SMELLS."
Ta-da! Jensen appears. He's a lovely guy like that.
I have brought the tentacle-lovers out of the woodwork! It's great. And practically the same as when I showed it to you, so it doesn't matter if you missed it.
Dude, we should totally book flights. I'm not doing anything next week (save Monday/Tuesday). Lets go get ourselves a feet!washing!Jensen!!!! We both did drama, it'll be EASY.
Woot! So I read; it really is awesome dude. Like I said in my commment, I still don't get why I find it hot. Tentacles do not equal hot. Yet paired with Dean, apparently they do.
Hahaha, YES. We shall impress him with our impressive drama skillz! We can get the cheap last-minute flights.
It's not really surprising that Dean makes tentacles hot (you know, if you don't find them hot already). Dean humping a table would be hot. Believe me, I tried thinking about it. It really is.
OH, by the way (because this wouldn't be a proper conversation if I didn't wander completely from the topic) I have snagged that icon you made of the shtriga going OMG! and this impala peekaboo one because I now have space and remembered I liked them.
*now thinks about it* yeah, guess you're right...do you think we could get him to do that?
We could totally get him to do that. We just need to get him horny enough and find the right table. You know, one that won't give him splinters.
Hahahaha! *steals them away from you FOREVER*
OMG *whimpers* how will I ever get them back?! *sobs...sneakily*
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