Saw Transformers on Friday night.
Awesome, AWESOME movie! Aside from being hysterically funny at points (see title), it has enough kick-ass robot action on top to fully earn its title of "Summer blockbuster". Since I watched Beast Wars as a kid *ignores the groans from readers* I fully immersed myself in the hype for this movie and was surprised when it actually lived up to it, unlike Spiderman 3. Who knew a movie would make me want to cry for a robot (Bumblebee *sobs*), grin like a total dork at a car chase or clap gleefully as Prime took on Megatron? Definetly going to see it again, because DUDE!
Got a fic waiting in the wings for you all. I warn you now, its utter crack. Just needs beta-ing and then I'll let it loose *cough*hint*cough*
Dear Asylum tickets, why are you not on sale yet? I desperately want you. I'm already suffering from Supernatural/Jensen dehydration. Why must you prolong my pain?
Just discovered the wonder that is Stephen Lynch *cracks up* the man is hysterical! Though there are some things he sings that I find distasteful and do not agree with, on the whole the dude amuses me.