woodsbaile_02 asked for a pic of a musical instrument, a cup and a tree.
So here's my trombone. I've been playing for nigh on 8 years :)
What better cup to take a picture of, than my Jack Sparrow cup :D got it for Easter this year, so its Pirates 3
As for the tree,this one is in my back garden. Aside from being a pretty colour, it's special because three years ago, it decided for the first time since we'd moved here (12 years ago) to blossom. Oh and if you look closely, either side of the tree are tiny trees that I planted *is proud of them* they've grown so tall...and wonky
unhobbityhobbit asked for the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning, a meal and something I'm very glad I have.
Now, technically, this is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning...
...but seeing as my vision verges on next to nothing before I have my contacts in/glasses on, I'd say the first thing I 'see' would be my clock, complete with LOTR: The Show mousemat and John Winchester sticker :D
My ideal meal is served on Sundays; chicken in a creamy white wine sauce with potatoes and broccoli...but seeing as I forgot to take a picture of it, you're just going to have to make do with my breakfast :P Ricicles, fresh orange juice and the mugs all set out for tea. On another note, I always have the same green bowl for my Ricicles because I'm strange like that
Something I'm very glad I have was easy because dude, I could not live without my ipod
wenchpixie asked for my computer desk, my prom dress and my fav shoes.
I'm a little anal about my computer desk...everything else can be a mess, but my computer desk MUST be tidy. This includes removing any dishes from it when
kitty_cat89 and I are watching Supernatural, which we watch while eating lunch. Just imagine Dean being anal over the Impala and you get the picture.
My prom dress is in the washing at the mo, so here's a pic FROM prom. I'm the one in the champagne dress, second from the left. Apparently I don't have a pic of just me and my dress from this year *scratches head*
I couldn't decide on my fav shoes, so here are three shoes. Left we have my prom shoes, which I simply ADORE - the dragonfly is gorgeous. Centre we have my blue baseball shoes that are barely off my feet - they're super comfy and seeing as blue is my fav colour, I wear them all the time. Right are my wedges - not only pretty, but comfy too. So really, if my toes wouldn't freeze off due to the 'wonderful' Scottish weather, logic would dictate that I should wear them all the time...which I don't
beckytheelf asked for a picture of my puppy, because apparently everyone has one of those these days *nods*
Here he is...little Patch (because I'm original *rolls eyes*)
californiamusic asked for a landscape-y picture of something outside when I wake up and a pic of my SPN S2 P1 dvds
Since my bedroom looks out onto the back garden and I already took a picture of that, I give you the view from the hall window...
...and my current pride and joy - that I still haven't told my mum about
mara_sho asked for the one thing I would never get rid of
This was really difficult to decide, but I eventually chose my memory box. Its quite literally bursting with objects/cards/pictures from the past seventeen years and is lovely to look through on a rainy day. Helps remind me just how lucky I've been in life...without sounding too cheesy :)
dolly_drops asked for a picture of "Capt Jack Sparra" and my SPN shrine.
Unfortunately, Johnny Depp doesn't reside in my room he's in the cupboard instead so I reckon she means she wants a photo of this little friend of mine...
...and finally, my ever-growing SPN shrine. I was waiting to get a frame for my Jensen photo before I'd allow it to join the rest of the wall, but I put it up especially to take this photo and for some bizarre reason, I can't bring myself to take it back down. At least it means I get up with a squee every morning :P
So thats it. Thanks to everyone who gave me a suggestion. Any comments, questions, requests?