Today is a kick-ass day! Why you might ask? Well, I'll tell you ;P
1. New Pirates trailer - holy hell batman, this looks freakin awesome!!! Not that I don't love Pirates anyway, but oh moly doesn't this just squeeze my fangirly excitment!!! "Why should I sail with any of you, 4 of you have tried to kill me in the past, one of you succeeded" May 25th cannot come soon enough, anyone that can point me in the direction of a download of the trailer will recieve huge cookies!!! *is beside self with glee*
2. Jared promo pics from Heart - Wow, just simply guh *chants to self "you are a Deangirl, you are a Deangirl, you are a Deangirl*
3. Heroes spoiler pics - I'm sworn off them for Supernatural but Heroes, not so much. Jeez, I can't wait for this hiatus to be over because dfoasdjfkasdufiosdnvouasutiosdfjjkdsjfioasdaufiodj...decipher that as you will *nods*
4. Jensen might sing at the Asylum - yes, it is a very very very long shot, but the man that Jensen sang with at that wedding is performing on the Saturday night...if Jensen sings (which I'm very aware is like a 1%, if that, possibility), I'll just die...on the spot...just...die
5. Supernatural Friday!!! - this was before I saw the episode, I was already squeeing at the top of my lungs at 8.45am!!!
6. Karyn bought me giant buttons - yes I am a huge kid, but I love them *snuggles the buttons - only they've been eaten, so really not*
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes out today - another reason why I am a big kid
OMG, this episode freaking rocked!!! Dear God Padalecki, those muscles *swoons* that sex scene was HOT! But thats not why I loved this episode, nor is it why I'm rocking back and forth mumbling incoherently. That end was simply heartbreaking, bad enough that Sam cried, but Dean too? *heart smashes into thousands of itty bitty pieces* I was going to rant, but I'm not. I love the angst, but its time for the boys to talk because if they don't I'm going to be so broken by the end of this season that I'll never be fixed again *sniffles and wipes away tears*
That my friends is why today rocks, Fridays FTW!!!!