Oh how I LOVE this man...there are so many moments/reasons why over the eps so far...his protectiveness of Sam (especially after "Nightmare" when he says that nothings going to happen to him as long as he's around)...his tear-jerking confession at the end of CSPWDT...his smart-ass comments to the yellow-eyed
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hmmm, well I think you should wait and see how things play out before you make a decision about France...if there is a niggling feeling, then maybe its time you had a good hard think and completely figured out what the cause of it is! A phone call to your mum might be best...or just wait till you are back - thats a better idea! As much as I'm an advocate for fear not getting in the way, I wouldn't want you to go if you were uncomfortable with going there!
*sticks tongue out in retaliation* well hun, if you're asking about it, somewhere deep down there's a need for Dean-on-top ;P heee hee :P oh J2 means Jensen/Jared, its real-life slash fic about them. Pretty much the same as Dean/Sam minus the incest and demons :) that way you don't have to go *sticks fingers in ears* they're not brothers, they're not brothers *removes fingers* while you are reading it.
Not at all hunni, I'm no saint, if I was getting two Jensen ones (which I'm not *sulks* Jensen will be the most popular cos he was in both Smallville and Supernatural and is therefore only giving 1 free), I'd be keeping them both :P no problem at all, I'd be happy to make you happy :)
Oh I'm sure I'll love it, don't wish you hadn't done it!!! Yeah, suppose they do need their rest *sighs* and Karyn so totally will not!! *runs off to make sure she won't*...*comforts Mégan* there, there, its awfully sweet too and I'm sure Peter will be okay
*squirms at the mention of Jensen* ya, thats a promise you're already keeping I see ;P don't worry hun, s'all good here! Hee *grins evilly back*
*Sam-telling-Dean-he-can-punch-him-if-it'll-make-him-feel-better hugs*
*beams widely* GREAT IDEA! i'll leave it til i'm home, i'll have plenty of time to sit down and have a proper chat with mummy then. :D
*looks shocked, then realises Claires point and giggles* i suppose you're right :P *realisation sinks in* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh! so thats what it is! ive read a J2 then! lol
*giggles* ah Claire, you're such a sucker for Jensen! *grins cheekily*
*promises Claire to be a good servant while shes back in return for Jared autograph* tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty again!!
*appreciates Claires words of comfort* ty hun, i dont feel so worried about you laughing at my drawing now - just remrmber, im no Thomas! and yay, i feel better bout Peter now too :D
*giggles and looks inocent* pardon? i didnt say anything about JENSEN ACKLES! *giggles again* sorry love :(
*Dean-telling-Sam-he's-not-leaving-him-alone-to-die hugs!*
*giggles hysterically* if it were anyone else they'd probably be rather indignant at that comment, but for me it is so totally true!!! No servitude needed, just a promise of lots of SPN discussions :P
hee, I'm actually quite excited to see it, especially since I don't know what it is :D unlike ep 14, I refuse to be spoiled but the wait is killing me!!! *smiles* glad you're okay about Peter...I just don't know how to explain his situation without spoiling it for you and anyone who reads this so *zips lips*
*flails again at mention of Jensen* oh that never gets old :P are you apologizing for making me think of Jensen Ackles?! Hun, its like my birthday and Christmas rolled into one!!!
*Sam-all-in-control-and-hot-as-he-holds-gun-to-Gordon hugs*
*joins in hysterical giggles* lol thats why i said it *tries to wink and fails*(i should just give up no?) ok, i promise lots of SPN talk when i get back! did Beans tell you about a SPN marathon while im back in celebration of be being home again? *puts fingers in ears to block possible squeeing and grins*
lol i hope it doesnt disappoint u then! do not let yourself be spoiled! all will be well, promise! and how good will it feel not knowing and then finding out what it is when you see the ep!? just think of that :D
its ok love, dont tell me, i'll see it eventually!
*giggles at Claires flailing* poor child! im sorry i mentioned JENSEN ACKLES! i promise i wont mention JENSEN ACKLES again, i wont even think of the name JENSEN ACKLES! *laughs hysterically at sight of what she assumes Claire now looks like* IM SORRY! i couldnt help it!
i have to tell you, that Sam hug made me CRY with laughter! tears rolling down my face and all!
*Dean-catching-Sam-watching-porn-and-says-"...akward!" hugs* *giggles remembering funniness of scene*
It won't :D I know, that thought is what is keeping me from spoiling myself, even when Karyn starts flailing about how bad the spoiler is :) yup yup yup you will and you know where I am when you do and when you need to squee :P
*is goo on floor* give me a sec till I become coherent....
*finds some composure* so, um, what were we talking about? :P
*giggles insanely* oh when Dean says awkward *dies a little* okay, so change my list to if Jensen says awesome or awkward, I will spontaneously combust
*beams proudly* GO CLAIRE, GO CLAIRE! if you don't read spoilers, i wont :) deal? *hugs*....no! i don't want to squee again! lol *sighs* oh well!
lol i'll remember that now! *imprints sayings into her head* done!
*laughs her butt off then picks it up and glues it back on* again too far but what the heck! lol
i seriously love his face in that scene, his laugh is so infectious how it goes all high-pitched!
*Dean-grinning-as-he-takes-pic-of-Sam-with-a-spoon-in-his-mouth hugs*
lol im running out of scenes for hugs!
OH well, only if you want to hun...but yeah, would be totally awesome if we did :D
Hee, DEAL!!! If one of us reads a proper spoiler in the future, then we must confess it to the other and said other then gets to demand the thing of their choice, such as a special icon or such like...nah, I like making icons too much, I'll think of a better punishment such as a fic of your description or something...I don't know lols *head spins around from thinking*
hee hee, not too far at all :D oh, I got some mores :P
*Sam-running-in-slow-motion-to-dead!John hugs*...*sniffles* RIP John Winchester
*coughs embarrassedly* ahem, can we please have one? *bats eyelashes*
*makes excited-shock face and squees* thats got to be one of the best ideas ever!!! i like you're thinking Smeckles. *winks* ok, i like the whole "payback" thing, making icons etc but! one, i'll probs enjoy making icons and two, i cant write fic so that'd def be a punishment for me and a disappointment for you! lol i'm pretty sure i cant write fanfic anyways! *ponders and holds Claires head still to stop it spinning*
*whoops for joy* YAY! i didn't take it too far! *grins widely*
*Dean-whacking-a-hole-in-his-Impala hugs*.....*cries* sorry sweetie!
*help Smeckles get through the pain hugs*
p.s. i got another pain yesterday but it was diff, still awfully sore but more like a cramp and on the right hand side of my chest!
p.p.s. i gots a doctors app't for next THURS!
p.p.p.s.(lots of p's huh? *g*) i made you a ring!(that sounds so lame lol) it says "dude...you fugly!" on it :) i'll send it in my reply letter after i get yours! xxx
Hmmmm...well I didn't think I'd be any good at writing fanfiction either but according to Karyn, my first attempt was good so...perhaps you have a hidden talent that you don't know about yet :P if not, well we'll just have to think about another punishment! Saying that, even if we enjoy icon-making, it'll still be fun for the other to recieve an icon...so maybe that'll do :D
OH my goodness, we recieved your letters today and *giggles madly* I LOVE the picture you drew!!!! It made me laugh so hard when I saw it to remember that scene and I actually did a *facepalm* when I saw it because I couldn't BELIEVE I hadn't thought of it before! Its brill hunni, thank you so much!!!!! You don't mind if I include it in my next post do you? I won't say anymore about the letter though because if I do, I'll have nothing to write back about :P
*cries* oh my poor baby *takes away crow-bar and snuggles him while stroking impala*...*hugs Mégan, sniffling slightly*...*Sam-crying-at-Jess'-grave hugs*...*squishes Mégan to counteract pain from that moment* did you know it was Jess' bday on the same day as Dean's? Weird, huh?
ps. oh hunni! *hugs you tight* are you okay now? I'm so glad that you have a doctor's appointment and are finally getting this sorted *hugs you again*
pps. you made me a ring?! Oh wow, thank you! Hee, Karyn was all smug cos she thought she was the only one getting one :P
CLAIRE! *cries in shock and bemusement* you've ALWAYS been a great writer, look at all your posts to see it, why on earth did you think you'd be bad at fanfic!? *hugs Smeckles* me on the other hand! im always repeating things, and my posts are more boring than funny! i dont even use a good range of vocab! anyways...
i actually went "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" and squaked like a parrot just there - i sent those letters on wed lunchtime! that was blooming well quick! *still in state of shock* i cant believe it! *blushes beetroot* im SOOOOO embarrassed now! stop being so sweet about that pic! its so crap! im glad you actually understood it, and that you or Karyn werent insulted by how darling Dean and Sam looked! i cant believe i made you laugh really hard, was it that funny!? *feels pleased* im glad you love it tho, makes me feel all those hours of rubbing out and re-drawing totally worth it!
and the facepalming! did u seriously forget that scene! thats one of the few scenes i actually remember from it!
*giggles embarrassedly* anything to do with sex, and i remember!...*looks shocked that she even just said that*...joking! *blushes and hides*
id be honoured if you put it in your next post sweetheart :)
*makes aww sounds while she watches Dean and Claire snuggling* SUCH a cute couple! *grins*
*cries and squishes Claire back* why!? why would you do that to me hunnee!? *wipes away Sams tears,kisses his forehead and stays with him til hes ready to go* that is weird about jess' birthday bein the same as Dean's!
i cant believe Jared has a wee sis called Megan! it could possibly be said the same way as mine!!!!!! *grins, then realises shes dreaming* nah, no chance lol...and his middle name is tristan! so darn cute! he's only 7 years older than me *looks hopeful then shuts up* oh well, i can dream!
p.s. *hugs back* im fine, and yeah, i'll let you know how i get on!
p.p.s i did make you a ring, it looks crap but its the thought that counts! karyn still needs to give me her fave SPN quote so i can make hers! lol i feel bad tho, what bout thom and bones?...*squishes Beans* aww, i feel so bad now!
How you doing today m'dear and what have you been doing?
Well, not to sound big-headed, but I've always counted myself as being quite good at writing but fan-fiction requires you to be able to completely capture a character that is not your own and that worried me. How could I take what someone else has created, especially characters as complex as Dean and Sam and do them justice?! Still, recentely I've delved into real person fic instead and well...you know the only kind of fic thats written about Jensen and Jared...poppycock, your posts amuse me greatly and its always nice to read what you've been getting up to! Write something and I'll tell you if you're good...I'll be honest about it, though I'm only promising that because I know you'll be good anyway :P
*giggles* oh yes, it did amuse us greatly and STOP SAYING ITS CRAP! Me loves it *holds it close to chest* no, I didn't forget the scene (tis too hysterical plus Dean says "awkward" *dies* why does that word sound so perfect when he says it?), but for some reason it just didn't occur to me that you would draw it *facepalms* silly me! Put it in my post, behind a cut because apparently thats what you do with images :P
Oh I'm sorry *hugs Mégan to stop her from crying and gives her Sam back to snuggle with*
hun, the whole 7 year thing - thats the difference between my mum and dad! Totally could happen!!! Tristan is adorable! Thats why they sometimes jokingly call him JT! Personally I don't like Justin Timberlake so I don't call him that, but whatever. You never know about his sis...though if it was, it might be weird having a sister Mégan and a girlfriend Mégan...*starts chanting that he doesn't have a girlfriend* read an article today confirming that Jensen is single at the moment *punches air in triumph* he is mine!!! hee :P
ps. I'm sure it won't be! Hmmmm, maybe you should make Thom a Lost one and Bones a Bones one...though you don't have to, we open our letter seperately so you could just wait till you decide what to do for them...don't, you crushed her smugness *gigglesnort* oh that sounded so mean, but I'm sure you get the humour between us by now :P
*screams in delight(altho silently as not to wake the boys)*...*sneezes* wooaahh! lol man, i love sneezes! lol they always make me giggle....anyways!
i'm doin ok today sweetheart, ty for askin :) didnt get up to much today, spent my free time catching up on TORCHWOOD which im seriously loving but im noticing similarites between it and SUPERNATURAL which is kinda bugging me! im thoroughly enjoying it tho *beams* altho not as much as SPN! *hugs Claire to resssure her she still loves SPN* boys were a bit of a handful today, and antonia's in a bit of a bad mood but oh well! *smiles*
You dont sound big-headed, you are good so im glad you know! i'll never attempt SPN fanfic, i dont know enough! but i wrote 5 pages in a notebook last night, on that book i was planning to write? its so crap lol and i keep going back to fix bits i dislike grrr i should just stop :) and i would never aks you to read my writing, its so bad i'd be too ashamed too! thanks anyways *beams*...hee hee poppycock, aww thats really sweet hunnee, thank you *beams* i always think mines are so boring compared to the rest of yours!
*blushes* sorry, i'll stop saying its crap even tho i still think it is! lol why didnt you think id draw it? anyways...
dont be sorry about making me sad bout the Sam scene!!
lol its ok, we're fine now *grins*
*jaw drops* are you serious! i had no idea! please tell your parents they look great and that i hope i look as good as them wen im older! but i do love how his middle name is tristan - cuuuutie! yeah, it would be weird but im never gonna be his gf anyways so it doesnt really matter :) *joins in giggling* oh my darling claire, you do make me laugh! i feel bad for jensen tho, he's too gorgeous to be single! he deserves love too! sorry...
p.s. thats a good idea about the rings, but thom wouldnt wear it, its kinda tacky looking! not that i think you or karyn or bones wear tacky stuff, i just mean, its not what you'd call a guys ring? i'll send them in the next batch of letters and ask them if they want a ring then!..aww poor karyn! *snuggles* but i do get the humour between you both :) *hugs both fiercely*
Yeah, loved Torchwood too :D what similarites have you been noticing? *hugs back* met still loves SPN too :P hee...oh dear *pets you* hope its better tomorrow hun!
Oh dear, oh dear, of course it'll be crap if you keep reading over it!!! You'll get sick of it and the more you change, the more you'll be convinced that its rubbish. I have a book thats very helpful. It recommends that you write a complete story before going back to edit - that way you will finish and not just give up because you think its bad. Either that or leave a few weeks after writing it before you go back to it...only when you let the creative juices flow and don't worry about editing will it truly be good. Trust me, it was difficult at first - believe me, I know - but try writing something and then leaving it for a while before you go back to edit it. Hun, don't ever be ashamed to show me anything! I'll be objective and you know its me, so you don't have to worry! If you ever decide you want to show me something, I'll give you something of mine in return...as a mutual faith agreement :) oh and hun, if you ever want something written about SPN let me know - I'm always looking for muses :D and I do delve into Wincest and J2, so you know, anything ;) not at all hun, I enjoy reading your posts :D they're only boring to you because you wrote them! I feel the same reading other people's posts!
Honestly? The thought just never occured to me lol. Hee, my mum says thanks :D I had to explain before she got it though, she looked rather perplexed when I just announced what you'd said :P Jensen certainly does deserve love, which I why I feel bad for being gleeful, bad fangirl *looks ashamed of self* it must be awkward for him going to this convention, what with the girl going being an ex of his...I will personally glare at her on his behalf :D I totally can't understand though why someone as hot as he wouldn't have a gf, I mean *guh*...unless he does and is just keeping her out of the limelight, he's very private that way...
ps. well ask and see, but I'm pretty sure Thom would want one :) hee, my and Beans are entering a last-icon-maker-standing contest, whereby we make an icon a week and the worst iconmaker is voted off through a voting process for the best one until there is only one iconmaker left :P hee, we're going to be competing and we are going to create a forfeit for the first one of us out, should be fun :P
*giggles, altho not AT Smeckles!* im laughing coz i hate the way i sneeze, its so loud!
*grins* oh yay! i didnt know you liked Toorchwood! the similarities ive noticed? well, the ep i just watched had cannibals, and in the same ep they had jars in the cellar like the Mordecai ep from Supernatural! they also do the torch-holding-while-holding-a-gun thing too, except i just laugh when the Torochwood team do it! anything else? not so far lol, i'll keep you informed tho! i just started to dislike Gewn tho, she was one of my fave characters but im mad at her for cheating on Reece! grrr and with Owen too! it would have been better if she'd slept with Jack! i felt so sorry for him when Estelle died! and i cried when the mum of Jasmine broke down - that wee girl was sooooooo creepy tho!
thanks for all the tips about my writing, i just think im really bad so theres no point, i do enjoy it tho..until i get myself so frustrated i stop...oh well! *giggles* your so sweet! the only thing id ever ask you to write about SPN would be a story where Sam and Dean met you and I! lol dont feel obliged tho! im still reading J2 and Sam/Dean stories, i read an amazig one the other night where Sam and Dean met Jared and Jensen! was so confusing but so cool! lol
LMBO! aww your poor mummy, i bet thats why our mums get on, they both have daughters who say random stuff to them! *giggles* dont feel nad, you love him yourself so obv your protective! thats gotta hurt about his ex gf bein at the convention there but im sure your glares will make everything alright! *grins cheekily*
p.s. okies! did the other two get their letters today then sweetie? i assume i wont get the replies for a week or so seeing how you're all busy with studying!!!
p.p.s. good luck to both of you, sounds liek fun! *gives both girls good luck hugs* xxx
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