Okay. So no one EVER go and see Alexander. It's freaking 3 HOURS long... and it sucks. But seriously, tips to the makeup artist cause the makeup ROXXORED. And the guys were hot cause they were all wearing eyeliner. And the kid version of Alexander was sooocute. It was so helarious, in the really gross fight scenes Ellie started CRACKING UP and like, when a spear went through someone's body she was like, "HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!" And I just stared at her. x3
(That pic above is Kenzie, I found it on her Myspace thing.)
On the way into the theater after we went and got some drinks, I look up by where they check for tickets and there's Kenzie and two really tall guys behind her, I didn't even see who they were, and she just looks at me and I run toward her, and we hugged. It felt so good to hold her again... We haven't seen each other since the last day of school last year (8th grade.. I cried in her arms for the whole time until my bus left). Sigh. And 20 minutes later I got a text message of her saying, "I love you, it was so good seing you, talk to you later." It made me smile so wide, because I've missed her so much. Kenzie is like my sister, and I hope that I see a lot more of her from now on.
Aaanyway, we took my sister to the Burbank airport this morning (now they call it the Bop Hope airport.. W T F?) and then went to Ikea since it's like rightthere, and I got this cool swively-mirror thing. I'll take a picture of it once I get it up, ye-yeah.
Tee tee why ell!