There's a reason I put this stupid quiz thing in..........

Sep 27, 2005 12:02

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1) What would silverado_dream give tator_gurl for his/her birthday? tator tots & french fries
2) Would purple_sand_man go out with tator_gurl? Tsk, tsk - too much of an age difference
3) Is gigglecass a nerd? my opinion - an itsy bit
4) Could you see xtinaesbaja and silverado_dream together? yeah as friends
5) Thoughts on ggm111390? love him!
6) Is thedrelle single? almost not
7) Which president would i_m_skribblez be likely to idolize? JFK
8) What is i_m_skribblez's favorite color? pink - ha ha
9) Are i_m_skribblez and chichilunchmeat going out? no but that would be an interesting combination
10) What would you do if purplekaos10682 died? a part of me would die
11) What is gigglecass allergic to? milk and alot of other stuff
12) How many monkeys could thedrelle fight at once and win against? 12 million
13) Do you have xtinaesbaja's screenname? yes indeedy
14) Is tator_gurl a high school student? no - beyond college
15) What would purplekaos10682 do differently in your shoes? be more independent
16) Would i_m_skribblez be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate, defintiely
17) Is thedrelle 1337? what's 1337?
18) Is purplekaos10682 a college student? yes!! (Proud of that fact!)
19) What animal should thedrelle be combined with? the monkey he fought off
20) Is purple_sand_man related to chichilunchmeat? good one! YES
21) Where did you first meet purple_sand_man? at birth
22) Is gigglecass dead sexy? yes she is!
23) What exotic animal would gigglecass like as a pet? a PUG!!! Is that exotic enough?
24) Where would thedrelle most like to visit? outer space
25) Has snowboardsteve dyed their hair? yes - blond tips
26) Does ggm111390 have a dog? alas, no, but he wishes he did
27) Is purple_sand_man your best friend? not in out relationship but I love him
28) Do you have a crush on purplekaos10682? not in our relationship but I love her
29) What word best describes ninjaballs1? a LOSER!!!!
30) Would xtinaesbaja and ninjaballs1 make a good couple? yeah, I think so
31) What languages does ninjaballs1 speak? mumbled English and French
32) What is purple_sand_man's shoe size? 13
33) What is purplekaos10682's favorite game? Spin the Bottle
34) What is gigglecass's favorite food? cereal
35) Would xtinaesbaja and i_m_skribblez look good together? no
36) Would you set up purple_sand_man and ggm111390? how funny is this one??!!!!!!
37) Do you think chichilunchmeat is hot? yes he is!
38) Did snowboardsteve break up with you? stupid question
39) If snowboardsteve and purple_sand_man were siamese twins, where would they be joined? backs
40) Where was thedrelle born? I don't know
41) gigglecass's eye color? HAZEL (Ethan!!!)
42) Does ggm111390 drink? not yet!
43) How would purplekaos10682 conquer the world? with her determination
44) ggm111390's hair color? brown
45) What mental disorder does gigglecass remind you of? just shyness
46) What would xtinaesbaja think of purplekaos10682? she likes her
47) Does gigglecass do drugs? occasionally
48) If thedrelle took over the world, who would suffer? the monkeys!
49) What song/movie would you recommend to snowboardsteve? 9 Mile
50) If purple_sand_man and ninjaballs1 were spliced together, what would be its name? Dasara

you're it!

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