I Dreamed a Dream

Feb 09, 2006 09:38

I remembered virtually all my dreams from last night. I also woke up feeling as though I hadnt slept at all, which is why I am writing this now instead of being in English. But honestly, I dreamed some weird things.

You know when you're young and you have those dreams where you are driving a car, and you actually know how even though it is five years before you will even take Driver's Ed? I had the opposite dream last night. I dreamed that I was in Apollo (thats the name of my car, btw) and everything was normal, at first. Two significant things though, right off the bat. First, I don't remember details, but I had an innate sense that I was doing something my parents would disapprove of by taking the car out. It felt as though the errand I was executing was for some reason not alright by parental standards- but I dont recall doing anything other than driving, so I think it felt as though just driving was, for whatever reason, against the rules. Anyway, the other weird thing was the location: I was in a suburb which I will swear I have never seen in my life, except in several previous dreams. In my dream, it was just part of Petaluma, but I've never actually been there before. While I'm driving, however, I manage somehow to lose control of my vehicle, and I smash the front and side of it against a much bigger truck. Instead of looking at damage and fixing it, I run away. It gets hazy for a moment- I think I ran into a nearby store, then emerged when the coast was clear and got into my car (which had miraculously sustained no damage) and drove home.
Of course, that couldnt be the end. On the way home I lost control of the car again, and careened into the front parking lot of Kragen autoparts- which was lucky because I had a car battery in the back seat (just like real life!) which I needed to return for the eight-dollar used battery refund. So I went in, and a very shady man told me that since buying the battery, my father had changed his maintenance store, so I didn't have an account at Kragen anymore, and I'd have to go elsewhere for my refund. He took the battery, though.
I never did get home. I wound up at the gym, taught a gymnastics class (the details of which I do not remember, just like in real life) and got talked into making some little schpeel or other over the PA system at the end of the class. But then the PA sytem broke and I had to go out and find a replacement part, the shape and make and model of which I inexplicably knew. So I went looking for one, and met up with my old Spanish teacher, Mr. Jones, who helped me locate it. On the way back to the gym, he morphed into my current Spanish teacher, Mr. Baskerville, who was an expert at repairing PA systems, apparently, and had things running smoothly in no time.

About then, I was first awakened by my alarm clock. I hit the snooze button and my head hit the pillow...

I had been transported to the magical land of Narnia, where Aslan the Lion was recruiting his army and chosing his inner circle of followers. He was going to choose twelve, just like Jesus, because even in my dream I was aware that the Chronicles of Narnia were Christian allegories. The first one he chose was the other Lion, who he got into a fight with immediately- for no reason. They werent even angry at eachother, they just started fighting. At some point here, a narrator's voice bled in, and I heard the explanation "The lions had planned this to demonstrate the power of Aslan." which made perfect sense to me at the time. The the narrator started describing the fight. "The two lions (one of whom had actually transformed into a tiger now) drew back and crouched ready to spring. They leapt at eachother in a flash of fury, colliding with an awesome crash in midair, and the rib of the tiger snapped like a twig!" And all of this is also happening as it is being narrated. "The animals grew angry, ready to fly at Aslan, but the tiger spok up, 'Wait! See, my rib is already healed, before I could even feel the pain of its breaking!'" And at about this time, I reawoke. Of course, it was 8:22 by this point, so I opted out of school.
But, seriously, WTF? How did I manage to remember all that- most of the time I remember one snatch of a dream, thats it. And, since I dreamed, I know I slept; how come I feel like the living dead?
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