I agree with everyone to a certain degree. Biologically, we depend on nothing more than food, air, liquid and other things we need to physically function. However, being able to function physically isn't the only thing that matters. Being able to function emotionally and be emotionall stable is a completely different issue. I love all of my friends and I need all of them for a lot of the same reasons, but then a lot of little reasons also. Maybe I can talk about certain things easier with one friend than I can with another. I don't really know where I am going with this, but I know that I love all of my friends, family and co-workers and I know that without one of them, a certain aspect of my life would be different in some way. Saying you need someone doesn't mean you owe your entire existance to them, it means that something you do in your life depends on them, and visa-versa. Each of my friends, family and co-workers help me function in some way.
My life does not depend on just one person. As far as being needed, I am pretty sure that my mother depends on me to help with bills, taking care of my sisters as well as emotional support. My sisters have me as a role model and someone to help with homework.
I hope that my friends know that they have me as someone to listen to them, help them with their issues, give emotional support, as well as someone to just go out and have fun with so they aren't lonely, which is a bigger deal than some people think.
As far as someone who I, or anyone else, could be romantically involved with, these relationships are also very important. At this young age, people are more apt to say that it isn't serious, you won't get married, teenage relationships are nothing or something like that. Sure, they don't all last, but sometimes they do. I know several relationships that have lasted from the time the people were 14 and 15 years old up to today and they are now 43 and 44 or older. I have also come into contact with several relationships like this. Romantic relationships are just as important to us as teenagers as a relationship with our other friends are. I will be very honest right now. I love Dan very, very much. I am not saying I could never live without him, because it is definitely too soon to tell that, but if he were to just up and leave and be out of my life forever, I know I would be absolutely destroyed. I depend on him for things that I can't exactly pick out right now, but I know it would have a huge impact on my life if he were suddenly gone.
As far as my co-workers go, they are all a lot older than me, and I gain a lot of wisdom from them. I enjoy talking to them, and they help me with problems I may have, and I just really enjoy their company. I can't really go into much more depth with them, because I did only meet them about seven or eight months ago.
I guess what I am trying to say is that relationships and being needed kind of go hand-in-hand sometimes. You may not depend on entirely one person for everything in your life, but different people play different roles in your everyday life. It's kind of like if water was suddenly taken away for a long time, you wouldn't be able to function very well. I see it as the same as if one of your very best friends or family members was taken from you, then it would be very difficult to function until you found some way to cope.
Take that for what you will, but I think it makes sense.
My life does not depend on just one person. As far as being needed, I am pretty sure that my mother depends on me to help with bills, taking care of my sisters as well as emotional support. My sisters have me as a role model and someone to help with homework.
I hope that my friends know that they have me as someone to listen to them, help them with their issues, give emotional support, as well as someone to just go out and have fun with so they aren't lonely, which is a bigger deal than some people think.
As far as someone who I, or anyone else, could be romantically involved with, these relationships are also very important. At this young age, people are more apt to say that it isn't serious, you won't get married, teenage relationships are nothing or something like that. Sure, they don't all last, but sometimes they do. I know several relationships that have lasted from the time the people were 14 and 15 years old up to today and they are now 43 and 44 or older. I have also come into contact with several relationships like this. Romantic relationships are just as important to us as teenagers as a relationship with our other friends are. I will be very honest right now. I love Dan very, very much. I am not saying I could never live without him, because it is definitely too soon to tell that, but if he were to just up and leave and be out of my life forever, I know I would be absolutely destroyed. I depend on him for things that I can't exactly pick out right now, but I know it would have a huge impact on my life if he were suddenly gone.
As far as my co-workers go, they are all a lot older than me, and I gain a lot of wisdom from them. I enjoy talking to them, and they help me with problems I may have, and I just really enjoy their company. I can't really go into much more depth with them, because I did only meet them about seven or eight months ago.
I guess what I am trying to say is that relationships and being needed kind of go hand-in-hand sometimes. You may not depend on entirely one person for everything in your life, but different people play different roles in your everyday life. It's kind of like if water was suddenly taken away for a long time, you wouldn't be able to function very well. I see it as the same as if one of your very best friends or family members was taken from you, then it would be very difficult to function until you found some way to cope.
Take that for what you will, but I think it makes sense.
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