Sep 08, 2004 15:54
Hey I know that this is insanely long, but it amused me for like an hour so I thought i could post it so you guys find me annoying. hehe... mabye you will find your name in here...and learn something about me!
What's your first name? Stefanie
Middle name? C
Nicknames? Sting Ray Stef, ES
Zodiac Sign? Cancer
Gender? Female
Birthday and age? June 21th '86...that would make me 18
Where do you live? Maryland
Do you have a boy/girlfriend? no
Have you ever been in love? no...
What's your favorite color? Blue and Green
Sibling(s) (names/ages)? Michelle and Ron
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Hair Length: long
Light/Tan/Dark: neither
Small/Medium/Large Eyes: medium?
Do you have any piercing, or want any? Ears are pierced
Do you have a tattoo or want one? no
Where do you shop at the most? online
What colour is your hair? dark brown
What colour are your eyes? yellowish
How tall are you? 5’3 5’4 if I stand up straight
What kind of music do you like? anything
Who are your best friends? I have soo many….
Who are your friends online? What?
Who could you tell almost anything to? My sis
Do you like to shop? Not even a little bit
What sports do you play? Use to do high jump
What are you most scared of? E.T. and other scary movies
What is your favorite animal? Alligators, especially named Bindi, Elephants, Penguins and Bats o and my dog Lego
Favorite music video: Michelle knows what I am talking about….whiskey lullaby
How many phones do you have in your house(dorm room)? 1
How many TV's do you have in your house(dorm room)? 1
What are your favorite foods? Anything seafood
Do you look like anyone famous? Not that I know of, I am unique
Do you believe in ghosts? No…
Do you think Brad Pitt is attractive? Of course
Who is the most attractive person you know? Hehe….
What are you listening to right now? The TV
Who are you talking to right now? Jeff! he misses me, i feel loved
What time is it? 10:17 PM EST
What's your favourite candy? Hershey’s Chocolate
Whats your favorite saying or quote? “of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt” and “if you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back on the crowd”
Do you have your own phone line? Yes I do, hehe
Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? yup
Favorite shoes? sandals
What's your favorite drink? Raspberry tea
What's your favorite soda? Sprite hehe I like Sprite
What things do you say a lot? I don’t know
What kind of car do you have or what is your favorite car? Green 1998 Eclipse
What stores do you shop at? Hopefully none
Who was the last person you called? Anne new friend in QA!
Where do you wanna get married? Off of a cliff over some body of water, there is one here at St. Mary’s…
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would have a smaller nose
Have you ever tried to kill yourself? no
Do you enjoy filling all this stuff out? No, but kind of fun
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Subway
Favorite chips: plain
Do you have a pool? yep
Do you have a spa? no but I wish
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? The eyes
Do you like jewelry? Yes, what girl doesn’t
Who do you wish you were? Kiera Knighty, sooo pretty and gets to kiss Orlando Bloom
Who has it easier, guys or girls? Guys, totally
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Stupid antivirus stuff that I needed before I could get on the internet
What's your favorite restaurant? Chili’s
Last time you swam in a pool? 3 weeks ago
Have you ever been in a school play? no
Type of music you dislike most? Rap that just talks about sex and drugs
Are you registered to vote? Yeah, independents rock!
Do you have cable? yes
Have you ever ridden on a moped? no...i wish
Ever prank call anybody? Nope I am a good kid
Ever get a parking ticket? no
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? No tooo scary
Furthest place you ever traveled? Jamaica , ya mon!
Do you have a garden? nope
What's your favorite comic strip? Fox Trot!
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? yes
Have you ever smoked peanut shells? No and What?!?
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No I would kill myself before I degraded myself to that
Orange Juice or apple? apple
Do you know how to pump your own gas? yes
Ever order an article from an infomercial? no
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? no
Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? Zyrtec
Ever thrown up in public? That would be no
Can ex's be friends? Never happened to me…
Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? Almost Mike
What message is on your answering machine? Hey guys, this is Stef, leave me a message…
What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live skit or character? Anything
What was the name of your first pet? Rebel the bomb dog
What is in your wallet? Family and friend’s pics, 8 dollars and random id cards
Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Get in the most comfortable PJs
What is one thing you are grateful for today? Friends that are awesome!
What is the first concert you ever went to? O.A.R.! with Becka, Erica and Jordan
Do you sneak out of the house at night? I have once…
Do you get along with your mom? Yes she is like a good friend
Would you rather be short or tall? A little taller than I am now
Do you like to dance? Yeah but others have to be dancing too
Are you online a lot? yes
Do you like playing pranks on people? No because I do not want them done to me
What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? Show my speech impediment around my friends cause they make fun of me
What's your favorite subject in school? Psychology
How many people are on your buddy list? 21
Are you sick of those damn porno's in your e-mail box? Yes and they send me guy ones, I don’t need to enlarge my package
What college do you wanna go to? St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and hey I am here
What school do you go to? St. Mary’s College of Maryland
How many rooms does your house (dorm room) have? 1 big room
Do you like playstation? Xbox? Xbox is the BEST!
Do you have your license? Yes and tomorrow I will have a license to drive a Maryland State Vehicle (aka the white drug vans)
Favorite sport: football (go Ravens) and college basketball (go DUKE)
Do you sleep a lot? yes
What are your fave radio stations? 93.1, 106.5, 99.1
Are you a night or morning person? morning
What are your favorite web sites? ebaumsworld
Can you define love? No it is too complicated
Whats your favorite TV channel? TBS, they play ER twice a day what is more great?… that’s right nothing
Who's your favorite teacher? Mrs. Lewis
How often do you shower? Every morning
Do you get along with your parents? yes
Are you rich or poor or in the middle? middle
What do you wanna be when you're out of college? Secondary Education teacher
Are you ticklish? yes... especially on the knees isn’t that weird?
What's your favorite flower? Lilies
What are you wearing right now? Jeans and my blue Breeze Inn shirt with a sexual innuendo (I love those)
How many kids do you wanna have? 2
Do you believe in God? yes
Do you like to watch public displays of affection? Not so much, I would rather be participating
Do you like bananas? Only the kind of green ones with NO brown spots
What color tooth brush do you use? Grayish blue
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2
Who is your favourite cartoon character? I love Crush the sea turtle from Finding Nemo
Do you have a job? Yes, tutoring little kids to read…so adorable
What's your favourite fruit? Grapes and Peaches
What's your favourite vegetable? Peas, I can just open a can, heat in the microwave and have at it
What was the best day of your life? Everyday is a new beginning and I feel that everyday can be the best day of your life
What are you going to do today? Watch a movie and go to a meeting
Are you momma's little angel or daddy's little princess? Mom’s little angel
Do you wear body spray? Yes, sweet pea is the best
Do you like guys with facial hair? Just a little bit, rugged look turn me on like no other…Goran Visjnic, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, need I go on…
Do you have AOL 4.0? I have no idea
Are you wearing nail polish now? yes
Favorite brand name: Old Navy and American Eagle
How many rings or necklaces do u own? I wear only one ring, the one I go on vacation to Deep Creek with Crissy like a long time ago, but I own a lot of necklaces that I do not wear
Do you wear a watch? yes
What's your favorite toothpaste and mouthwash? Cinnamon flavor that Becka got for me!
Did/Do you have braces? I did that was my geek phase
Are you tired? Yes and my back hurts, my dorm bed is stupid
Do you have any scars? yes
Have you ever cried over someone? I am sorry to say yes
Do you like lollipops? I love them!
What are you thinking of right now? That I need to leave in like 15 mins for my meeting
How many buddies do you have online right now? too lazy to look
What's your most cherished memory? Spending time with my sister
Most disgusting habit: I don’t know, popping my pimples…well they annoy me
Who makes you laugh a lot? New friend Robyn
How many pillows do you sleep with? Three
What's the weirdest nightmare you've ever had? One with ET in my hallway
Best concert? O.A.R.
Who of your friends do you think will get married first? I don’t know…my sister OBVIOUSLY….
Do you believe in magic? no
What's the one moment in your life that was the scariest? Waiting in line for Tower of Terror that I didn’t even go on, the terror got to me
Are you athletic? used to be
If you could, what would you rename yourself? Sara
Describe yourself in one word: Caring
Do you wish you were closer to someone? Yes
Favorite shampoo and conditioner: Dove
Favorite way to do your hair: like the herbal essences comercial
Do you smoke? no
Do you like to eat skittles? yeah
Do you do drugs? no
Do you sing in the shower? no
Are you a vegetarian? No but I was for Sophomore year
Road Rules or Real World? Both are vapid and not reality
Do you wear makeup? Not usually
If you were an animal, what kind would you be? Something that doesn’t get eaten
Favorite hat: my blue Nike golfer like hat
Do you like to sing? no
What would you do with a million dollars? Move to the Caribbean!
Future husband or wife: Orlando Bloom
Do you collect anything? Movie ticket stubs
Person you don't trust: Sneaky people with shifty eyes…
Person you have known the longest? My parents
Do you believe in Heaven/Hell? yes
Do you have a religion? Yeah Lutherans, J- team, rock on Jesus, can I hear an amen,…amen!
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? Take my medicine
Person who knows the most about you: Michelle
Are your parents married or divorced? married
How many schools have you been to? 4
Are you passive or aggresive? passive
Do you have a pager/cell phone? yep
Do you play any musical instruments? Piano and trumpet
Have you ever made a person of the opposite sex cry? Not that I know of, I am a pretty nice person
Have you ever eaten raw fish? no
Have you ever stayed up all night and not gone to bed until the next night? indeed
Which of your friends is the best at keeping secrets? Becka and Amanda
Which one of your friends is slipping away? The ones that went to college far far away
Why are they slipping away? I just said…
Have you ever moved? Yeah like a week ago…
What do you like to do with your spare time? Watch my favorite movies, Pirates, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, GI Jane, and Tarzan(don't make fun of me)!