(no subject)

Dec 13, 2003 12:32

Well, I don't know.
I have to wear this fuckin' brace on my hand/wrist because of the damn injury. I guess there's a whole bunch of tiny bones at the bottom of your hand above your wrist, and mine are all cracked, yay. My ex-dislocated thumb is all better now, but all of the ligaments around it, all the way past my wrist, are all screwed up, and I'm waiting for those to heal (hopefully soon). Theres been alot of pain, and some tingling all the way up to my shoulder, and it's really affecting any movement of my hand and arm. I was out of the game last night, which sucked because I really really really wanted to play, and I think the team wouldve done alot better (like winning) if I played, because then there would have been substitutes. We lost Ashleigh too, cause she had to go somewhere with her family, and on top of that, shes sick so she could possibly be out for a bit also. This really sucks. I'm hoping that this will be better when the week starts so I can practice Monday and play in our game (vs Newmarket) on Tuesday, and so on, because I'm sick of WATCHING. Uragh!
Now off the topic of basketball..
There's been alot of shit going on, and I'm really sick of it all. I'm so fucking sick of people pretending to be your "friend", being there for you and stiff like that, and then talk shit about you constantly to other people. Well it's good I have one person in particular that tells me everything that everyone says about me, and that sticks up for me. I know I dont need someone sticking up for me, but it's really good cause it sort of stops the drama talk about how much they all hate me. Whatever, it's pathetic. I'm officially done with "the crew". I dont want to be a part of a group of people (esp. girls) that are fake friends and talk shit about me constantly. It doesnt mean I hate everyone in "the crew", I'm just not really friends with them.. I mean, I still talk to them and stuff but theres no way in hell I'm going to trust them with anything at all, esspecially my friendship.
I really think a particular group of people need to stop worrying about other people's relationships (Ashleigh and Adam's) So what if you dont like Adam? You're not the one fucking in love with him, so why does it matter if Ashleigh wants to be with him? Yeah, so you're looking out for Ash and all, but talking shit about her guy and giving her shit for wanting to be with him, isnt going to do anything. It's really lame. Just stop worrying about them, because frankly, you probably have alot larger problems than that... definitely.

Lately I've felt extremely lonely, it's really sad. I have no one to cuddle with (whether it be a girl or a guy.. and yes I cuddle with girls) and that bugs the shit out of me because most of you know that cuddling is like number one on my list. That, on top of actually BEING lonely. And yeah, so I have some friends, but that still doesnt mean I'm not lonely. I mean lonely in a sense of not having "someone to "be with". You know? Yeah, it sucks, and I'm sick of it... There is someone that I'm definitely interested in, but I'm not too sure of how it's going to end up, so I'm sort of laying low and not getting my hopes up only to be crushed again

I really didnt want this entry to be long, but I couldnt stop writing, oopshies.

I have tons of cleaning to do and stuff.. Brad's coming over later ^_^ So I must be off.



My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me
So won't you kill me, so I die happy
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