Dec 26, 2004 19:43
Ok i woke up at 9 and took a shower. Then I blow dryed my hair and put on some make up so i looked natural. Then i picked out my out fit so it would match the necklaces i wore today. Then i poped in Lord of the rings the Two towers and watched that till 11. I went tot the cara nd for 2 hours sat behind my dad with my legs cramped up becase hes so tall he has to have his seat go all the way back so theres no room for my legs. When we got ot my sunts house 2 hours later in illinois i couldnt get out of the car i was stuck for 5 mins. Then i fell out on the street. Well we stayed at my aunts house untill 5 30 then left but while we were there it was boring because she has a 2 year old and she kept making me put pussles to gethe and i got bored and irrated from that and they were all talking about her divorce thats happeneing right now. PLus the food made me sick! But when I got home my neck was cramped up cuz i fell asleep weird so it hurts to move my neck. Boy i keep gettting messed up today. But that was my day. Ill prolly pop in lord of the rings the two towers again so i can watch all of it and clean my room. That was my day. Ill update tomorrow cuz my mom is taking me to the mall cuz i have gift certificates and cash.