Jan 01, 2007 23:32
Well Happy New Year to all of you. Classes came back and I failed them all except two like I had expected. I'm now on probation in the School of Music. Even with all this failure I feel great. I get to start fresh this semster, especially with the lessons I learned this past semester.
The 624 clan has lost a dear friend and roomate in Tom. We found a house to relocate to next fall, It is awesome. Tom feels he needs to be close to or on campus. I respect that. Good Luck Tom!
The main purpose of this post is about my new years eve. My pocketbook is going to hurt for a while but it was competely worth it. Brooke and I stayed in Grand Rapids, at the Amway Grand Plaza hotel. I had the best prime rib of my life, it was cooked perfectly. Afterwards we went up to the room and she showed me my christmas present.. A sexy as hell red bra!!!! Ping! Instant Erection. She also bought a silky robe that drives me wild. After seeing my present We got dressed up and went down to the lobby for Jazz and cocktails. I had a grey goose martini.. which was dreadful. After suffering that I got a Strawberry Daquri. I don't care anymore, I like girly drinks... at least I'm man enough to say it. At about 11:45 Brooke and I ran upstairs to welcome in the new year. We toasted with Champaign and had a very passionate kiss. All in all it was a great romantic weekend, espcially needed because of the 3 stupid weeks of being apart because of stupid christmas break..