I know you can do better than this! Take the test! :p
How many people have a crush on
The below numbers indicate what sorta crushes people on
smatalie's friends list have on her/him, as taken from the results of the original
LJ Secret Crush Meme.0 friends have a Secret Crush on
smatalie. This is 0 more than in October, 2003. This is below average compared to other users.
0 friends have a Public Crush on
smatalie. This is 0 more than in October, 2003. This is below average compared to other users.
0 friends have an Ex-Crush on
smatalie. This is 0 more than in October, 2003. This is below average compared to other users.
How many people have a crush on you?Secret Crush Meme 3 is twice as badass as Secret Crush Meme 2! With 23,000 new crush quiz responses (45,000 total) and the ability to find out who a user has crushes on!