I am actually considering going back to school in the fall, just for 1 year.
Here's the program I would take: Pros of doing this:
- I am sick of having to jump from p/t job to p/t job in order to hold down my church job
- I've already done a lot of this type of work, but if I am certified I get paid more plus I'm likely to get more opportunities
- a lot of support work is p/t, so I could keep my church job and do one of those jobs...
- ...and if I decide it's time to leave the church job, I'd have something else I could do f/t
- there are lots of types of support jobs, including being an EA in a school, which I liked when I did it.
- $$$$$
- would probably have to take out a student loan
- also I'd only be working part time for a year (the church and probably the Cridge job still) so we wouldn't have quite as much money during that time
- It would likely be a crazy and/or stressful year
- Means putting off a baby for yet another year, and by the time I'd be done the I'd be 29.5. I always said I wanted my first baby before I turn 30. Plus I don't think a baby and student loans are a good combination. BUT on the other hand, once I have a baby, going back to school is almost a non-option.
Thoughts anyone???