May 09, 2009 05:05

[if one were to pass by the fountain in the central plaza, they will notice that it is actually filled with a shit load of water balloons. Blue and red ones to be precise. And divided neatly in half. There seems to be some kind of partition and even the water is blue and red. And there are all kinds of bags and signs around it.

And standing at the top is Luceti's very own Kamina, cape a flyin' and sunglasses glinting in the sunlight. It should be noted it's around 1 in the afternoon]


Remember when I said this town needed some action?


C'mon up and I'll tell ya what to do. After that, yer own yer own. Everythin's written in the journal if ya forget, but listen up!


[ooc: CAPTURE THE FLAG/WATER BALLOON WAR START! lolol okay this is ALL the information regarding this mini-event-thing-whatever that he's telling everyone before it starts (and yes, this is available in written format in the journals).

Each person will have a type of belt pack that can hold 10 water balloons total (five in one pouch, five in another). You might be able to squeeze in another one or two, but don't push your luck! There are water balloon resupply points at various places, including the fountains (just make it up, they're all over the place, seriously. Even in trees wtf lol). Each balloon has dyed water that matches the balloon color. So red dyed water in the red balloons and blue dyed water in the blue balloons. It'll wash off. ...Eventually. Also, the belt packs have blue or red stripes on them, so you can tell what color the other person is.

This all takes place around the central plaza, the boundaries being the buildings and the bridges. Here's the "map" (I'M SORRY I HAD TO USE THE LUCETI MAP DDD:). As you can see the, the red zone is up at the northeast while the blue zone is in the southeast. Everything encircled in black is the area. Though the "area" of play is the central plaza, people are free to go past that boundary, lol.

CAPTURE THE OTHER TEAM'S FLAG! They're located in two different spots by the river (quick resupply for water balloons dur 8D). However, the probability of people just focusing on drenching everyone else is more likely, so the other main part of this is just to have FUN. HIT AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN LOLOLOL THERE ARE A SHIT TON OF WATER BALLOONS EVERYWHERE (yes Kamina spent ALL WEEK blowing and filling these babies up lol).

  1. There are two teams: Red and Blue. Kamina is head of the red team and Yoko is head of the blue team. Each person can decide whichever team they want to be. There was no pre-signup or anything, just pick a color and run with it.
  2. There are three main threads that you can post under: FREE ZONE, RED ZONE, and BLUE ZONE.
    • The FREE ZONE is basically where most of the action is probably going to take place. This is where anyone can just start threading and chuck water balloons at each other. You don't even have to be part of the game. You can just have your character just WALKING by and become an unfortunate target for people flinging their water balloons willy nilly.
    • The RED ZONE is the area around the red flag. You could have your characters just chillin' out, and Kamina will come around to check on things before going out to chuck water balloons at people. If a blue player comes around, they WILL be bombarded. Any players can be here, even if already threading in the Free Zone (time paradoxes, they're awesome in this post).
    • The BLUE ZONE is the area around the blue flag, and the same principles as mentioned for the red zone applies. Kamina will more than likely come and try to steal the flag often.
  3. Technically there are supposed to be jails for when people are hit. But that's no fun. SO JUST ALL OUT WATER BALLOON FIGHT FEST. Doesn't matter how many times you are hit, just keep on chucking.

Yes, there are instructions for this, too, but don't worry it's useful! To make it easier for people to see what people are, put the following in the subject lines: PLAYER: RED, PLAYER: BLUE, or MOVING TARGET. The player colors should be pretty obvious. MOVING TARGET indicates any unfortunate passerby who just happened to be in the area and people have permission to soak 'em. Also THREAD HOPPING/MINGLING IS A MUST. This is a GREAT chance for people to meet new people and develop some CR. SO THREAD HOP. TIME PARADOX. IT'S ALL COOL.

This "event" should technically last for a few hours or whoever captures the flag first....if anyone. I did not pre-plan a capture and anyone is free to go for it. The point of this is for people to get up and do stuff anyway xD Flag capture was just a bonus.

POST ONLY UNDER THE DESIGNATED THREADS IF PART OF THE "GAME". If you wanna comment with Voice to Kamina after the three main threads, go right ahead. He might be too busy flinging water balloons to respond though :o

THAT SHOULD BE IT, LOLOLOL. Sorry if that was like way tl;dr, but IT'S USEFUL! In short, indicate what you are and go out and chuck water balloons at people! JUST GO IN WITH ACTION! GO GO GO GO!

(if you have any questions, you are more than free to PM me)]

red team = winnar, painting luceti, it's go time bitches, !written, !action, capture the flag, !voice, water balloon frenzy

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