Not Alone in a crowd - Ha Ha Catch 22!

Mar 14, 2007 18:00

I have been reading this book, "Blue like Jazz" by Donald Miller and I've realized multiple truths from this book.
A short while ago, I thought I was depressed because I felt weak, tired and just bad all the time. I've realized that I was just Alone. I just felt alone, the type of alone that hurts. I thought I was depressed so i started exercising, eating healthier (Healthier - I still don't get 5 fruits & Veggies a day. How do people do that? I can only ever get 4 in one day!), laid off the television and starting going out places and on dates more often. All of this helped immesensely and I don't feel so that way anymore. I didn't realize it, but I was isolating myself, becoming a reclus.

I would get irriated with people surrounding me anywhere, like work, church or if i went out to eat. Now it feels like I just stopped trying to be social and without exercising the skill, i lost the skill.

I stopped going places for a while, found conversations maddening and very soon found myself lacking. I didn't realize that I had started isolating until I had overcome this depression. Now I look back and remember times when Crystal would ask if I wanted to go to lunch, or her come over and I'd turn her down to be by myself instead. I really needed human interaction; I don't get it at my house, living with Josh, who is always busy. But with the help of new habbits, Jacob, Crystal and long distance phone calls I enjoy conversations again.

Jacob went to see Bomb the Music Industry.
I won't see him tonight.
But I will tomorrow.

My Dad flies in tonight.
He doesn't think I should go to University of Houston in the fall.
I havn't told him that I was ACCEPTED
I thought it might change his mind?

Going to church.
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