I*am a bitch && prOud Of it! =)

Jan 16, 2006 22:29

Well hellO ladyz && gentaaalmen. I Ashley Elizabeth MOses gOt an jOb @McDOnalds, becauze I*am a beast && da best @ everything. I lOve myself && lOve my life, in sOme sOrt Of a way. I have many trOubles but in the end...it turns arOund tO be great when yOu meet the right peOple. I so0o so0o hate alOt Of peOple in this wOrld, everyOne is alike && I dOn't trust anyOne. NOt even myself Or nOr my dOg. SOunds funny ay? Well it* true. LOOk arOund yOu stupid peOple, everyOne arOund yOu atleast did sOmething wrong tO yOu withOut yOu knOwing Or did it right in frOnt Of yOu. TO me everyOne is a cheater in sOme way && sOme hOw. NOt in just relatiOnship wise either. ((&& nO I dOn*t cheat On peOple yOu idiOt!)) But I hate && sOme what lOve drama, and sOme what hate everyOne. I dOn't get alOng with anyOne that well, nOt even myself. I*am a bitch, && I lOve it. Just nOt as big Of One as I used tO && fuckin' hate it. I want tO be the way I used tO bed. I want tO be blunt && tell yOu hOw it is && nOt giving a fuck. So0o yOu knOw what peOple FUCK YOU && YOUR FAMILY. That gOes fOr everyOne && anyOne Out there. I dOn't care abOut anyOne but myself, && it*s always gOing to be like that. I get treated like shit so0o I*m gOing to treat yOu like shit. I*m never gOing tO be in a great relationship, I always end up with peOple where I*am just like them && we always bump heads. So0o I dOn't knOw, I dOn't care. ((&& I*am gOing tO keep telling myself that to0o)) So0o PEACE && AFRO GREASE BITCHES!!

((Yes, I knOw I did nOt make sense sOme hOw && sOme way. I never dO, && alwell. I*m making this little cOmmet befOre I get tOld by sOmeOne that ^ && I dOn't care))

I*am nO Ones bitch, && thats what yOu make it Out tO seem tO be. I dO nOt have to cater tO yOu like yOu thnk I shOuld. I shOuld be yOu*r PRINCESS && I shOuld be treated like One because I*am suppOsed tO be the One yOu lOve. A§§hOle!

its me, ahhhh

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