Someone oughta tell ya what it's really all about..

Dec 23, 2003 19:48

In serious need of my "get happy" song right now. The irony of the "get happy" song is that it's not happy at all, loti..Very bitter. Happy beat..I explain that everytime. :shrug:

My mom is single handedly ruining Christmas. I shouldn't let it bother me...and just "go with the flow", but I center Christmas around my family and when you tell me that it's not going to be that way, I get seriously upset. I know she's just using Kim's "virus" as an excuse so she doesn't have to go to my Uncle's and it's fucking ridiculous. She's so damn childish that it makes me physically sick. ROAR.

I can still go to Ted's if I want, but I haven't decided. Do I go or don't I? Do I leave Mom and Kim behind on Christmas Day...or do I pass up XMas at Ted's for the second year in a row?

Last year I wasn't in the mood to celebrate Christmas for obvious reasons..but this year I'm trying to make it a priority. To kind of make up for last year, I guess. I'm not much for celebrating this year either, but I might as well accept things as they are and "move on".

I'm in a piss poor mood right now. Sorry.

And I'm really fucking fed up with people who can't come up with their own identity, so instead they try to be something they're not by accepting someone else's identity as their own - as if it would make them fit in any more [note: it makes people hate achieves the exact opposite as what you want]. It's fucking pathetic and it makes me madder than mad. ROAR.


Believe it or not, I had a really good day up until now.

Didn't go to school :x I wanted to..but obviously not enough. Anyone care to tell me how Trig went?

I woke up and pulled a muscle in my neck. Decided I would be better off it I just went back to sleep....I was right.

Went out to lunch with Dad :) I had a lot of fun. My Dad rules. I'm so lucky. And I, the heffer that I am, ate every crumb on my plate. I'm actually still full. The thought of food is making me want to spew. Cute.

Then we went to Wal-Mart. Which was also tons of fun. I would explain it, but I keep forgetting the word Dad used, loti.

At around 4 or so, I had to go to the mall for some last minite shopping. BLAH. I'm so sick of shopping, it's ridiculous. I wouldn't mind it, but it seems at Christmas all of the rudest people to ever live crawl out of their holes. The dumbest ones too. It makes the shopping experience a shit load of fun, let me tell you. But I saw Megg @ Journeyz. That crazy has two jobs. That's awesome - considering that I don't even have one :[..So we shot the shit for a bit.

My back was hurting ten thousands times as much as it did before I got to the mall so I decided it was a fine time to leave. LOTS of traffic..but I suppose it wasn't too bad. I was actually calm..road rage was non existent tonight - luckily for everyone. Plus it gave me more time to listen to my FM 8) I even went the long way home so I could get to all the songs I wanted, loti.

Speaking of FM, I had a huge epiphany about the meaning of "Peacekeeper" while I was listening to it the other night for the billionth time. I forget what it was though, loti. Whoops :[

And it was wicked cool last night when I got in the car to leave Stop and Shop, I got SO sad b/c my hook up CD Player ran out of batteries so I had to listen to the radio :( :( BUT I pushed that oh so magical button, AND =O ..."DREAMS" came on! It had just started when I turned it on. I was so damn excited. It ended the very second I stopped the car when I got home. Crazy. Perfect car ride. SO, last night the ride from S&S to my house was exactly 4 minites and 14 seconds, loti. CRAZY.

Umm..I have nothing of importance to say. At all. I'm so sad my crazy mood has gone away :( Leaving me with what's left of my boring personality. HMPH.

Later, xoxo.

"..Buy another fixture
Tell another lie
Paint another picture,
See who's surprised.."
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