Feb 08, 2005 14:46

wow its been a really long time since i've wrote in this thing. I used to write in it a whole ton during senior year so that ppl could see what i was up to, like meredith, kelly and others. But now Kristina has hers and so does  Dustin and others so i figured that i would keep mine every once in a while..
Well i just started the second semester of my Freshman year.
i am taking:
CHem 110: Chemistry I
Biol 201: Biology I
IDNM 101: using information effectively in science
Math 211: Calculus for applications
and Engl 102: Writing for a liberal education
fun stuff... haha
and i have a roommate amy and beth.. about to be only AMy b/c beth is moving out.
And that is all because i have to go to class!
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