Jul 31, 2004 23:30
babysitting right now until ll am tomoorw morning which means no church for me tomoorw :-/ haha. but yesterday was fun!!!! I went and saw the village with christine and danielle (aww im gonna miss u guys when im off in the big bad world lol!! the village was a good movie ! :-D lol and then chipoltle! YUM!! HAHA! THen we went to borders (LMAO) that was a good time " YUM " "OHHHHH " hahahahha. wow. good times :)
lol but yea .... sleepover at danielles on monday night maybe????? i hopin so! ! ! lol. we shall see ;) we made shirts that say " IM FRUSTURATED WHEN... (insert phrase) " hahahha lol!
ohhh i go to orientation on wednesday :-/ excited/nervous
gotsta go!