(no subject)

Dec 29, 2009 16:03

The Dark Mercury of the World of Trophies Smashverse.

Once upon a time, Sailor Mercury had been captured by the Dark Kingdom's Kunzite, who wished to become the ruler of the senshis' Earth on his own at all costs, even destroy Metallia. To do this he would capture the senshi by taking one of their own, and once this was done, harness their power to his own mysterious ends.

But their was one problem - Mercury was able to fight off all of his attempts to control her, even after using Metallia to weaken her mind. So Kunzite harnessed one of his secret weapons - a cache of shadow bugs - to create an evil mirror Mercury, with Mercury's memories and powers (as well as a few given to her by Kunzite, including the ice sword known as Viritrilbia) which would obey only him. Her job would be to get 'rescued' by the senshi and to then capture them with her dark powers, one by one, all while the true Sailor Mercury lay dormant in trophy form in a secret location.

The plan worked well - suspecting nothing, the senshi rescued 'Mercury' and soon enough, Venus and Mars disappeared without a trace. Sailor Moon caught Jupiter being captured by 'Mercury' and realized something was wrong; when Mercury tried to engage her and capture her, Sailor Moon not only resisted, but pleaded with her 'friend' to free the other senshi and take her instead. The words somehow caused something within the dark mirror to become...confused. Her memories recalled that she had been dear friends with the senshi, but then there was Kunzite ordering her to capture them so he might hurt them...?

For reasons she at the time couldn't explain, she took Sailor Moon instead of Jupiter, and went to release Venus and Mars. This did not sit well with Kunzite, who attacked the mirror, resulting in her bleeding...not blood, but the shadow bugs which had helped to create her. It was then she realized she was not only not the real Mercury, but not even truly real - she was nothing more than a shadow. The resulting rampage by Dark Mercury caused Kunzite to revert to trophy form for several months afterwards, and the destruction of Kunzite's laboratory (at least, the parts the dark senshi knew about). She was calmed down only with the greatest difficulty by Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Moon, who ended up brawling her to a draw in order to do so.

Since then, Dark Mercury, as she is called, has been on her own, doing what she feels in terms of cleaning up whatever is happening around the world and looking for a way to become real - to have a trophy form. She's not quite friends with the sailor senshi - despite their attempts to re-befriend her, she is distant and even rude to them - but she's certainly not their enemy either. In her mind, there is only one enemy: Kunzite. Currently her life goal is to eviscerate Kunzite in whatever way she can - and to learn just where he got those shadow bugs, a clue to her origins.

Side Attack: Viritrilbia Slash
Up Attack: Petal Teleport
Down Attack: Ice Stomp
Final Smash: Viritrilbia Winter

Trophy: Out of all of the Brawlers, Dark Mercury does not possess a trophy due to her mysterious nature. Instead, upon her defeat she dissolves into hundreds of shadow bugs, which dissipate into the ground in order to reform elsewhere. So long as one shadow bug exists, it can duplicate itself and she can reform, but it takes some time to do so. If they are all destroyed, she ceases to exist.

*ooc, *info, *history
