I know there's at least one person who'll find this awesome:
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-03-08/fantagraphics-adds-moto-hagio-a-drunken-dream http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books&field-author=Takako%20Shimura Asides from that I've been laying low, getting a flu and getting busy from the start of my semester.
Also no art college for me. I decided to purely concentrate on what I've got along with going to community college. It might be because I'm getting old... (whaaaaaa 24 this april) but I've thought about it and I had couple good reasons not to. Only downside is that I can't get the hell away from home/comfort zone for a while...
I restocked most of my art supplies and I started painting. I'm actually adjusting to use those kolinsky sable brushes for inking now. I learnt recently that I ink best with a g-nib though. (pretty much 90 percent of manga artists love using that nib)
Overall nothing really exciting to show so far. I'm starting to be able to draw less feminine guys? (a good portion of the time they look straight up bishounen and well... I'm not too sure what to think about that lol).
Some Japanese music talk:
New Tokyo Jihen album 'Sports' is pretty sick. There's no Killer Tune or OSCA (OSCA is probably my favorite single of 2009 for reals) but the consistency makes it addicting.
Shiina Ringo's album Sanmon Gossip of last year is great too. I just can't help but feel the sound is too close to Tokyo Jihen for comfort; especially considering Tokyo Jihen has been standing as it's own band on the last two albums rather than 'Shiina Ringo and Tokyo Jihen.'
I'm kinda late but I checked out Rie Tomosaka's new album Tori Dori last year. Tokyo Jihen/Shiina Ringo, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra and Clammbon wrote songs for the album. It's a lot more low key than you'd think (except for track two which is totally Tokyo Jihen) but I actually liked the non-Tokyo Jihen songs more than I thought.
Here's a tokyo ji-... Rie Tomosaka song from the album:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ftyLNv0_LE Some stuff on my recent rotation:
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs - Hikizuru Beat
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Veltpunch - Climber's High
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