Oct 13, 2009 01:02
This is an idea that's still kinda shakey and it'll probably sound stupid to me later but fuck it that's what livejournal/blogging is for!
This is partly inspired by what thepapermouse is doing except:
I want to encapsulate certain ethnic culture/sub-cultures/styles/etc into a single drawing based on what several references I've seen (movies count, but maybe some research here and there). I'll do this based on maybe whims and recommendations on a daily/weekly/monthly basis depending on how large the scale of the project I'm going to do.
I may try to keep it real and faithful or I may do a loose take on it or I may do something ridiculous with it. (Like combining afro-culture with buddhists with vampire-zombies with shark-penguins with...)
This is just a way to keep my feeble Korean brain and drawing hand out of the gutter...especially when I'm off semesters.
So this is where my friends come in...everybody drop a comment of ANYTHING here! Though I only really have 2 active friends here and maybe a couple that are not very frequent...
I really need to find some real life/internet livejournal dudes/gals.
...I imagine that if I do eventually get a lot of livejournal friends this might get out of hand??
I need to keep track of with a badass name for a tag or something...
So yeah as soon as this week is over I'll probably do a couple crap drawings!