Apr 27, 2005 05:08
twenty-one guns
boxed with pride
letter from the government
sealed and signed
delivered fed-er-ral express
on your mothers doorstep
-A Forward to Gunship Radio-
A friend of mine whom dj's at the college station here in Mount Pleasant (more notably Modern Rock 91.5 WMHW) notified me of something that will make those who comprise Gunship Radio proud.
Curbside Paradise has made it to a regular three-hour rotation. For those who may not understand, when a dj is not in the studio; mostly night hours of 1am-5am, 12am-8am at WMHW; a computer runs a pre-set rotation of music imbedded in its catalog. Now Gunship is now on one of the pre-set three hour rotations and will be throughout the summer until another music selection process occurs in the fall.
I would also like to say that this is not the work of me but the work of Gunship Radio and the fine quality of their music. Keep rock'n and roll'n dudes
(california roll)
solve for x